Chapter 27: Unfortunate

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Lee Jiwon's POV

It hurts so bad to see my brother crying and vulnerable in my arms as the doctor finally explained to him everything that he is going through. The last time I saw him this hurt was when our mother died which was the day that I promised to never let him get hurt yet I failed because right now, he is in pain. If only I can take all of his pain away and make it mine but unfortunately, I can't. I can only be beside him and encourage him to fight. He won't end up like how mom lost her battle without a fight. He needs to be okay; for me, for himself, and for our late mother.

His medication is very expensive and I think I only have more or less the price for his treatment every month in my bank account. It's really expensive and I don't really know where to take that amount of money but I'll need to try and as much as I can, I will not borrow at least a Won from Jimin and his family.

"We can start his therapy right away after receiving the down payment."

"Give us the end of this week, Doc." I said. He nodded. "It's settled then. He will start his medications by the end of this week."

I sadly smiled. "Please save him."

"I will do my best."

After our appointment with the doctor, Dawon stayed in the hospital since he is under observation. As much as I hate leaving him alone in his ward, I need to because I'm searching for a job in daytime for additional money.

My feet hurts as I walked around the busy area near where we live to find a job. I can't take a taxi nor bus to make the transportation fee an additional fund for his medications. I sighed, squeezing my empty bottle of water. I'm so exhausted but I can't give up. For Dawon, I will keep on going even if I can't.

A smile of hope crossed my lips after I see a hiring sign in front of me where an Ice Cream and dessert store stood. I straightened my posture and wiped my sweat before taking the paper sign and entering the shop. I closed my eyes in relief after the cool conditioned air hugged my exhausted body.

There's only two employees that I can see. The store is only small but the place looks really light and cozy. I approached the lady in front of the cashier and showed her the paper that has the hiring sign. "Excuse me. Uhm, where can I apply?" I asked. She smiled.

"Eunji-ssi! Take in-charge for awhile." She looked at the girl who was making a banana split. "Ne," the girl which probably is Eunji responded. The lady in the cashier removed her apron and guided me inside a small office.

"Have a sit," she pointed at the pastel pink chair in front of the desk and sat on the chair opposite to me. She discussed some things that I can do and does a little interview about me. She smiled warmly and hands out her hand. "You're hired, Miss Lee."

My heart overwhelmed in joy. That fast? I accepted her hand and bowed my head. "Thank you so much, ma'am!"

"You're very pretty too. I think you'll make our shop gain costumers. You're charming."

I chuckled. "Oh my, thank you."

"You can start tomorrow, okay?" I nodded and bowed at her. "Thank you, ma'am! I'll do my best!" I thanked her before leaving.

My hand immediately searched for my phone to tell Jimin the good news. Instead of calling him, I just texted him and told him that I found another job in an ice cream store. He must be busy for a call and being a considerate partner, I always just text him for something and wait for his calls if he is free.

Minmin is calling... I read on the screen of my phone. A smile crossed my lips and I answered it. "Hey..."

[Wow, you are incredible aren't you? Another job that fast?]

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