Chapter 34: Broken Him

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Jiwon has finally learned to make herself happy with Chanyeol by treating him as her new friend. Although she's always feeling guilty whenever he tells her of his love and how she would always need to lie, she's very grateful for meeting someone like Chanyeol because he is treating her very well.

As days went on, she learned to set her mind off of Jimin and make herself happy while going out with Chanyeol. She also has accepted the fact that she really isn't conceiving Jimin's child.

She happily left the shower and dolled herself up for another date with Chanyeol. They would usually go out every time Chanyeol is on his day off but if not, Jiwon would just let him rest and prepare him meals. When they both are not together, Jiwon would always be inside Dawon's room in the hospital, guarding him.

The young lady wore a simple floral dress and she braided her hair for her look today. She sprayed some perfume as the finishing touch after applying lip and cheek tint on her lips and cheek.

Chanyeol giddily knocked on the door of Jiwon's room, extremely excited to take the lady out on a date. He's looking very handsome with a yellow polo tucked in his denim jeans and his usual silver watch. Jiwon must admit that she really admires Chanyeol's arms and hands and also the fact that he's way taller than her.

Jiwon happily opened the door and she sweetly smiled at him. "Hi," she shyly greeted, earning a soft chuckle from her new boyfriend. "You're just getting cuter everyday," he said. Chanyeol wrapped his arm on his girlfriend's shoulder and they walked out of the house.

The gentleman that he always was, he opened the door for Jiwon and then he went to the other side where the driver's sit was. "So, what are we going to do today?" Chanyeol asked after starting the engine of his car. "Hmmm, I don't really know." She shrugged.

He started driving. "How about we shop you some clothes? You were robbed, right? So you need new clothes."

"You don't have to do this, Chanyeol." Jiwon sighed. "You've done more than enough for helping my brother to get better. It's just too much."

Chanyeol held her hand with his free one and gently squeezed it. "I insist, okay? I want to do this for you."


"Just let me, please?" He gently said and he glanced at Jiwon, making her sigh in defeat. She slowly nodded her head.

She's feeling so guilty for having to lie about her true feelings with Chanyeol but she needs to stand for the decision that she made. However, having to receive a lot of gifts from him other than his help for Dawon's treatment makes Jiwon even more guilty. She only wanted the best for Dawon, not for her, but he was literally spoiling her.

As they arrived inside the mall, passing by the cinemas, Jiwon caught the list of movies that were showing and suddenly got excited. For the very first time, she asked Chanyeol for something. "Chanie!" She cutely called him, tugging on his arm to make him stop from his tracks. "What?" Chanyeol asked and looked at her pouting which made him chuckle.

"Let's watch a movie!" She pointed at the poster of 'Aladdin' while still pouting like a baby which she never thought that she'll ever do (aside for Jimin).

"Aladdin?" Chanyeol nodded. "Anything for my cutie," he told her, placing a soft kiss on her crown after wrapping an arm on her waist to pull her closer. "Omo!" She squealed, excited. "Thanks!" She kissed his cheek, a platonic kiss for her but it was something that made Chanyeol happy.

Meanwhile, Jimin saw everything. He was standing frozen not so far from them, his milk tea almost slipping out from his hand after seeing his woman laughing in the arms of another guy. He wanted to run to her and embrace her but seeing how happy she was with someone else made him stop.

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