Chapter 10: Who She Is

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Park Jimin's POV

"Well, I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking uㅡ OUCH! WHAT THE HELL, DUDE?!" Jungkook glared at me while holding his head where the pillow that I threw landed. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and drank my half empty glass of orange juice through.

They all stayed in the house to hang, noㅡ to actually ask updates about how Jiwon and I are turning out and I mentioned that I told Jiwon that I won't give up that's why Jungkook was singing.

"Are you really not going to give up? Jimin, she already said no for like a million times already," Namjoon said. I siged and nodded. That's how much my feelings are for her. I couldn't allow myself to stop chasing her without her giving us a try. I sound desperate, I know, but I know to myself that I'd like her to be my first girlfriendㅡ a serious relationship, even excluding sexual intercourse until we get married if ever.

I just don't want to give up. Somehow, I can see a hope that she can return what I feel about her but she is stopping herself for one reason which is kept hidden and I believe it is connected to what she is saying that I don't know her well enough.

"Tsk tsk, Cupid's arrow hit you hard, didn't it?" Yoongi asked, chuckling and shaking his head. I nodded and shrugged at the same time. I guess I was shot really hard because what I feel for her is really strong and it became even stronger after we became friends.

"Okay, you won't give up, but be sensitive enough and know when you really just have to stop and give up. You can't pursue someone forever, Jimin." Yoongi tapped my shoulder.

"Yoongi is right," agreed Jin, making me look at him who was sitted opposite to me. "We're happy to know that you've found the girl that you really like but life doesn't go like how you want it. If that time comes where she's had enough of you asking her out, just let her go and accept that you and Jiwon aren't for each other," Jin added. All I could do was sigh and nod. They're right. People don't always get what they want.

"Cheer up, mate!" Hoseok sat beside me, placing his arm on my shoulders. I haven't noticed that he's already done with his call on the phone. "I have a gift for you," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Tonight, dress up as good as you can and make sure you smell fucking good because, boy, I got you a private show to Iris!" He winked at me after.

"WHAT?!" The five boys reacted. "I FUCKING WANNA JOIN!" Namjoon shouted and followed the complaints and wants and agreements of the others.

"Relax, guys! Let's give this moment to our precious Chim Chim to set his mind off of Jiwon for a night. He needs it."

"Butㅡ" Taehyung tried to complain but Hoseok threw a pillow on his face. "Shh, you're not heart broken so shut your big mouth."

"Wow, coming from you, loud mouth?" Taehyung rolled his eyes then in just a blink of an eye, both of them were already running around the house like little kids.

All of us about to leave my house to attend classes, I fixed myself and made sure that I look presentable. I should be, because even though I told her those words that night and I know that she'll keep herself distant from me, I still have to maintain my looks because probably, it can change her mind. I am not saying that Jiwon goes for the looks, but probably she'll see the bonus of having me in her life.

I cannot understand what she's saying. Why can't I accept her? Is she thinking that I couldn't accept her because she's not rich? Well, fuck that. I see her as a very worthy woman.

She keeps on saying that I don't know the real her. How can I when she couldn't tell me? What is it really that she's hiding? Is it really that bad? Perhaps, is she a criminal? No, I doubt. She's very intelligent that I doubt she'll ever do a crime for money because if so, she would have been rich by now.

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