Chapter 32: Without You

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Park Jimin's POV

I groaned after the ray of sunlight hits my eyes. I faced the other way of the bed where Jiwon was laying and I slowly opened my eyes only to see an empty space. I blinked my eyes for a few times to clear my vision and then I scratched my eyes. Yawning, I sat up and stretched my arms, getting ready to get up.

She must be down stairs or walking by the sea.

I stood up and found myself still naked because of last night and I remembered that I actually came inside her. Does that mean she's ready to be with me forever? I mean, why would she let me release inside her if she isn't, knowing that it can risk her in becoming pregnant right?

A wide smile made its way on my lips and I started to jump in excitement. If I came inside her and she's not on pills then... FUCK! Am I going to be a father?! I'm going to be a father aren't I?! Woah, I need to work harder for our future then and we really need to get married as soon as possible!

Dangling. There was something dangling below me which made me stop myself from jumping.

Shit! We should talk about family planning too! I can't wait!

Excited, I rushed my way inside the bathroom to take a nice bath and clean myself since I reek of sex. I quickly put on some clothes and fixed the bed but I suddenly noticed a paper plastered on the pillow beside me which I didn't even notice earlier. I stopped from fixing the bed and took the paper.

          As you read this letter, I am no longer by your side. You mean a lot to me but I am choosing to leave you for our own good. Don't ever doubt those three words that I told you. I really love you so much, Jimin.
          This is selfish, I know, but it's for our good. You deserve someone better than I do. I'm breaking up with you, Jimin. Please don't look for me and find someone else.

What? Does this mean? But we are going to have our baby soon! What the hell is she talking about?!

I started panicking and feeling anxious because of the words written in the letter from her. I don't get anything at all! Why would she say and do this?

          Thank you for making me happy. I will forever be grateful for everything that I shared with you. I will keep and cherish the memories of you and I, Minmin.
          But this is the end of us. I'm already setting you free, my love.

Yours Truly,

Tears started brimming down my eyes as my knees felt weak that I fell down on the bed. I crumpled the paper on my hand and threw it away as I felt my heart getting shattered with each second that passed. My whole body was shaking from confusion, hurt, and again; confusion. I don't understand! We were so happy last night! How can this be possible?!

She must be joking.

I quickly searched for my phone on my pants that I was wearing yesterday and immediately dialed her number. My hands were shaking. I placed the phone in front of my ears but instead of her voice, I only heard that she's out of reach. She's not picking up!

Panicking, I quickly went down and ran to my pick-up truck. I drove as fast as I could back to Seoul to search for her. She can't go anywhere. She's just either in their house, in the hospital, or in the Ice cream shop that she is working at.

I took a glance at the time and stepped on the gas to increase my speed. She's still in work when I get back and that's for sure.

The distance between us feels like a journey to take forever. Fuck, I wanna see her so bad, hug her tight, kiss her, and hear her tell me that she was just kidding and that she won't ever leave me because now, I can't honestly find myself with someone else other than her. I can't let her go especially now that there is a huge possibility that she is going to bare my child and soon, give birth. Once our baby is born, he needs to be taken care of her and of course, me; because I'm his father. Soon, we are going to start our family.

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