Chapter 47: Never Enough

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Jiwon misses her dad, Dawon, Jimin, and Korea. A month in another country made her feel empty without her loved ones around her. Although they often face time each other, it's still not the same. On the other hand, Jimin is too busy for a long talk and all they could do was text each other good morning and good night.

It felt strange for her to be the only foreigner in the resort that she owns and manages. All employees are Australians but it's a good thing that most of them are really nice. She is also struggling with the type of English that they use and she uses because she grew up with using American-English but they use a different one instead. Though similar, there are still words and slangs that are new to her ears and vocabulary so it also made her more busy as she needed to study words that are used in Australia.

She sighed, taking a sip of her red wine while staring at nowhere on the giant glass window of the penthouse which is located on the highest floor of the hotel. The penthouse where she lives now always reminded her of the penthouse that Jimin owns in Seoul.

The night sky was very alive today with the full moon and the numerous twinkling stars up above. Somehow, she felt relaxed with the scenery. It's astonishing.

Today was a very busy day. She had talked to the best architect and engineer around the area for some renovations that will be made in this place as well as changes or additions of promos and services to attract tourists in coming to the hotel after observing and studying the occurances here for a month.

"Sir, please, you cannot come inㅡ" the voice of her secretary echoed around the corners of her place as well as the quick stomping of her feet, probably rushing to stop someone. It made Jiwon nervous, not knowing who was the sudden visitor.

She turned around to see the man Anne, her assistant, was talking about. A few meters away from her stood the unexpected visitor as he searched for Jiwon around the penthouse until their eyes met.

As if frozen, her heart stopped but she did not allow her feelings to take over her, knowing that another individual was watching them.

She cleared her throat and composed herself to utter words. "Anne, it's okay. Leave him be." She told her in English, eventually averting her eyes from his tantalizing ones.

"But Ms. Lee, do you perhaps know this person?" Anne asked which Jiwon nodded to as a response. "Yes, I do. He is my boyfriend so you don't need to worry."

She nodded her head slowly. "Okay, Miss. I didn't actually know you were taken."

She looked at her. "You're saying too much, Miss Williams."

Anne puckered her lips and covered them. "My apologies, Miss Iris."

Jiwon smiled. "It's okay. You may leave now. Thanks for your hard work today and take care."

"My pleasure, Miss." Her assistant bowed and walked away, living the place.

"How the hell did you even got in, Jimin?" She asked, finally having a conversation using Korean. "Not even my assistant knows the passcode that I use."

"But I do. I know you well enough as I am your boyfriend," he smirked. "I guessed that it could be your birthdate but it was too easy for others to guess so I tried our anniversary which only the both of us know then the door unlocked."

"Hmmm, quite smart. Take off your jacket." She told him, noticing that he has too much clothing with his black turtle neck, leather jacket, and black ripped jeans. He also carried with him a backpack and a luggage.

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