Chapter 18: In Return (M)

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Lee Jiwon's POV

"Where are we?" I asked, entering a huge five star hotel with shimmering chandeliers hanging on the ceiling of the lobby. He smirked but did not utter a single word. Jimin is acting different. It's scary but hot at the same time.

We went inside an elevator and it brought us to the top of the building. As the doors opened, a huge living room welcomed us. Is this a penthouse? God, how rich is his family, seriously?

I thought of enjoying my stay and roamed around the area but he held my hand tightly and pulled me with him until we reached a room where he immediately pushed me down on the bed.

"You're naughty, aren't you?" He asked in a cocky manner while looking at me from head to toe. I felt how my whole body shivered from the coldness of his voice. I'm really in trouble aren't I? "Am I going to be punished?" I asked without even thinking of it having another meaning.

He smirked. "Yes, baby. Master is gonna punish you for being a bad girl. Come here," he commanded and gestured his hand. I politely stood up and walked towards him. He sat down on the edge of the bed and swiftly pulled down my pants and underwear, making me gasp in surprise. He then pulled me and made me lay my front on his lap, still my feet flat on the ground. I bit my lip, feeling his hand already groping my ass cheeks.

I continued to bite my lip. The warmth of his hand already giving me the slightest sensations to run all over my body. I shouted as his palm hardly met my flesh, the spot feeling the sting. "Count, kitten," he commanded and slapped my butt again, this time, much harder. I hissed in pain and countrd, "One," and he continued to smack the same spot repeatedly and harder by every slap until my voice cracked, reaching the number, "F-fifteen," I said, the last syllable coming out not smooth.

"S-sixteen, ugh!"


My eyes began to water as my tears form on the corners, feeling the pain of my already-red flesh. "E-eighteen," I said, breathless. This is too much for me. The pain is too much. Is he this mad at me that he mercilessly slap my ass with those hands?

As he kneaded my flesh, I shut my eyes tight, anticipating for another hard slap but instead, he mades me stand straight. "Good girl. Now stand," he commanded again.

I stood with my feet together and my head low as I tried to conceal the pain of my flesh. "Don't move or else I'll punish you again." I remained silent and waited for him to do what he wishes, the curiosity kind of bothering me as if telling me to disobey him.

He lifted up my shirt and dropped the fabric on the floor. My breath hitched, feeling his hands travel along the sides of my torso going up and front on my breasts. I bit my lip as he started to massage them and pinched my nipples then I whimpered. He dampened his lips with his tongue and as if taught, I lifted up my head and tilted it to the side to give him more access on my neck. I felt myself getting hot and wet for him again. I can never explain how much good Jimin makes me feel. I cannot explain how he affects me easily by just his simple touch but all I know is that he makes me lose my sanity whenever he touches me.

He suddenly pushed me down on the bed with my back laying flat on the mattress, his dark eyes looking at me with full of lust and then commanded me to lie down properly and don't move as he gets something from his drawer. I bit my lip, seeing the shiny metal rings on his hand as well as a piece of fabric and a foil of condom. But the hand cuffs suddenly made my body excited. This is my punishment for making him jealous and too much for our second time but I couldn't help myself but to get excited.

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