Chapter 30: With You

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Jimin cheerfully packed his clothes the first thing in the morning as soon as he woke up. He was feeling excited and happy to finally come back to Korea and see his girlfriend after three months of being away from her.

It was tough. Every time he calls her, he just wants to go back to Korea and hug her tight knowing that his beloved girlfriend is going through certain circumstances and she really needs someone right now.

He was so happy to finally come back home after successfully lifting up twenty percent of the sales ㅡ half the percentage that dropped ㅡ in their company, and fixing the deals that he needs to approve or not in Japan for the growth of their products in the said country. He stayed up late each night, reading and fixing certain files and documents. It was difficult for him to immediately take over even if he was fully aware of running their company ever since he was a kid. But on the bright side, Jiree is still helping him in saving the company which made it less difficult than it seem like it will very if he saves it on his own.

Each time that he hears her voice, he feels energized and alive. His father was doing well back home with his treatments. Even if Jiwon was going through a lot, she still manages to encourage Jimin to keep going, telling him that she believes in him which empowers him to do better in his job.

Making sure that everything was packed inside his bag, he called the house keeper of their rest house in Busan to check if everything was clean and could be used. Jimin smiled as he ended the call. He then grabbed his towel and went inside the bathroom to take a bath and proceed to the airport after to immediately fix everything in Busan and come to her after.

On the other hand, Jiwon had no idea that Jimin will be coming back. Her mind was fully occupied of her problems, mainly the sad news about Dawon's condition. He just seems to have no improvements. The worse part of his condition is the uncontrollable production of his abnormal blood cells and he needs the transplant as early as possible.

Jiwon lazily typed on the keyboard on the desk as she registered and totaled the amount of order from the costumer. Even if difficult, she pasted a fake smile on her lips and asked for the next customer in line. "Yes, Sir, may Iㅡ Jimin?" She froze from her spot, seeing the man that she hasn't seen after three months standing before her. He smiled at her and took his sunglasses off. "Missed me, baby?"

She feels like crying. She wants to come closer to him and hug him tight. She missed him so much and it killed her so much to have him far away from her side. Jiwon wants to kiss him, hug him, and spend the remaining time she has within the day.

It is as if all her exhaustion ㅡ physically and emotionally ㅡ faded away just by seeing his sweet smile in person after months of enduring the longing for his warmth and comfort through her phone screen. She wasn't dreaming nor hallucinating because finally, there stood her man in front of her, looking so different from the college boy that she fell in love with. He's changed that fast, from the campus heart throb into a fine-looking CEO of a huge company real quick. She doesn't understand why he looked different, maybe because it's the effect of him being a CEO now that he looked very authorative and a very responsible person.

Jiwon snapped herself back to her senses, remembering that she's still in work. "Uhm, uh, what's y-your order?" All of a sudden she felt nervous in front of him. She must admit, Jimin looked so sexy in his plain white shirt and jeans with his bangs slightly parted to show his forehead. She felt her heart rapidly beating once again.

A chuckle escaped Jimin's lips, seeing how flustered his girl was after seeing him. Cute, he said to himself while still staring at her. "Can I order... you?"

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