Chapter 41: Not the Right Time

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A/N: Contains self-harm. Read at your own risk.


Lee Jiwon's POV

Many things kept me distracted during the day, but at night, I would always cry myself to bed. Not long ago, Appa trained me in becoming the COO of his company. I have to always be with him (or my trainer) as he deals with his business clients. Actually, I do remember some faces of each. Why, you ask? I remember their faces not because I saw them when I was young but because they were my clients as an exotic dancer. I remember how they threw money at me just for a show and of course, for sex ㅡ which I would always decline because again, I'm just a stripper and not a prostitute. I guess my dark make up was somehow powerful as it mixed with the neon lights in the club. No one ever recognized me as Iris being that I just also apply a natural-looking make up now or I barely even apply make up to be honest. I just dislike how it felt hot and heavy on my face but it was a requirement. I chose to wear dark and heavy make up though even if it wasn't that necessary because I wanted to disguise myself too.

A COO in training. It's a huge jump in my life even if I am Lee Yangwon's heiress because who would've thought that this stripper would someday be a COO? I think no one would really think of that because of how judgemental our society became throughout the years.

Our company is full of luxurious 4 or 5 star hotel, resort, and casino establishments, which was all designed by my father.

"Hotel, Casino," I heard Appa whisper under his breath while staring outside of the huge glass window where as if the whole city of Seoul was seen.

I remembered how I would always run inside this place towards that window as a kid because of how pretty the town looked like. Since I was a kid, it always made me feel astonished and even until now. I just can't imagine that soon, I will be having my own office like this one.

"You once told me your dream of having your own restaurant when you were young," He said, making me look up at him from the paper that I was reading which was a proposal from various companies. I have no idea what to say that is why I only gave him a questioning look.

He still remembers that? But honestly speaking, my desire for a restaurant isn't really that strong though. It was just because I really enjoyed cooking.

When I was a kid, I've been always a watch out in the kitchen. Just the smell of aromatics like garlic and ginger and onion being sautéd, the feeling of the hot steam fanning my hand as I stir some soup, the sizzling sound when I'm frying food ㅡ everything about the kitchen and food just makes me happy. I mean, food just really cheers everyone up, doesn't it?

My mom also taught me how to cook when I was eight years of age. She would also often bring me to the wet market and teach me how to correctly pick the best and freshest food or ingredients to buy.

"Do you want to start your own resto under Cloud Towers and have each establishments with your restaurant?"

I smiled. It makes me feel excited knowing that Appa is allowing me to contribute something new in the company but I still don't think that I am ready. I'm in fact even still training as COO. "I'd love too but I think it's not the time yet. Maybe soon."

Honestly, I think that it's really too early for me to be already preparing for a position at the top. I mean, I just graduated and my dad and I just reunited. It's not like I can easily familiarize myself to the company as a whole. But also, maybe soon when I finally learn to love myself again.

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