Chapter 13: Little Crush

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Lee Jiwon's POV

My hair bounced as I walk confidently on stage. My eyes indigo in color from my contact lenses that matched the color of my leather costume, I kept them gazing on the crowd of men that were howling with a smirk plastered on my red painted lips.

I do the very first step of my dance. With my hands touching my chest, I dropped down as I bent my knees and opened my legs together with my hands travelling sensually from my chest down to both of my knees.

Laying down on the floor with my front facing flat on the cold ground, I thrusted my hips a few times, causing all of them to go wild.

Twerking and grinding, every move I made had caught all of them. The money they threw gets double or triple the price, indicating that they love it.

I know that each and every men watching me wants a taste of me and they are willing enough to waste their money just to buy me. I sell entertainment, but I never sell my body for sex which what they obviously want.

Working as a stripper is threatening. The cases of sexual assault is very high if you let yourself become weak. Throughout my years of stripping, I have always experienced being pulled to somewhere, slapped by money so that I'll have sex with them but if I refuse, they pin me on the wall and kiss me without my consent but I learned how to fight. I was thankful for my parents on enrolling me in Taekwondo lessons when I was young. I never competed, but it helps me in my current situation.

I gasped as soon as strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me in a dark corner. My fists were ready to punch but I stopped as soon as I smelled his scent. He pinned me on the wall and caged me with his arms. His eyes was darker than ever while they stared deeply into mine. "Fuck, baby. What are you doing to me?" He asked, voice deep and husky that I felt my skin raise goosebumps.

"What am I?" I asked, confused but breathless from his gazes. He takes my breath away. It is an unusual feeling that I experience because of him.

"God, baby. I just fucking want you on top of me and humping on me like what you did there." He confessed in a frustrated manner, taking me aback from that amount of information.


"Ugh! I'm sorry, I can't help it." He sighed and looked down, still frustrated.

"You get horny when you see me like this but what about your family when they find out and see me this way?" I asked him in a serious matter. He raised his head up to look back at me and he frowned. I've been asking him and telling him these things, telling him that I am a disgrace for his image and a filthy bitch to other people's eyes without them even knowing why I 'only' strip for a living. Yes, only stripping because being a stripper and a prostitute is not really the same yet people still tend to stereotype people with those kind of work as sluts.

"I don't care, Jiwon, okay? For as long as I'll be the first person to pop your cherry then I can easily defend you!"

Okay, that's sweet but the cherry thing makes it off. "How sure are you that you'll pop it? And how do you even know that I'm a virgin?"

"I just guessed that," he shrugged. "And for the first question, well, it's because you like me."

"Do I?"

"Do you?" I stopped as he gets serious again. I don't really know. I am confused. Do I like him? I don't know. He makes me happy, he moves my heart with his words and actions, and I'm glad that he accepts me as who I am but isn't that because I'm happy for finally having a friend to rely on?

How do I even know if I like a person?

How do I know if I'm attracted to him?

I'm such an innocent person in the field of love though I have been admiring Yoongi but I do know that it is plain attraction so technically, I am a still clueless. I mean, Jimin's friend is literally amazing when I see him play basketball.

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