Chapter 33: Negative

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Park Jimin's POV

"Tae!" I exclaimed as soon as he picked up his phone. [What?] He asked.

"Let's go out."

[Go out? Hmmm, okㅡ wait, what?! You wanna go out with me?! Fuck, dude, you're gay?!]

"Pabo! I'm asking you to come with me to the club!" I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me.

[Oh. But didn't you know? The club has closed probably two weeks ago? The police found out that it's not just a normal strip club but makes prostitution a business too. Too bad I didn't even had a chance to have a private dance with Iris all these years.]

The club is closed? Jiwon has no home and no work. Dawon is discharged in the hospital. Where can she possibly be? I'm sure she's still here in Korea but with her having not much money, how is she surviving now? Why didn't she tell me when I'm so much ready to help her? I have the wealth and I can provide her anything that she needed but why didn't she ask for help?

"Jiwon, where are you?" I muttered as I stared at the white ceiling of my room after ending my call with Taehyung.

Days had pass as I searched around the whole town for her but she's nowhere to be found. She also resigned from her work in the ice cream shop and I already have no idea where I could possibly find her.

Everyday, I always keep on hoping that I will see her and clear everything between us. I want her back. I want her so bad knowing that she still loves me. Her phone is always out of reach. I couldn't contact her number but even so, I kept on giving her and sending her text messages of how much I love her and how much I miss her.

She left me and it hurts so much but her love makes me keep on going. She told me that she loves me but she wanted us to part because I deserve better. I don't have to find someone better when she's the already the best. I worked so hard just to have her and I promised to never let her go. I won't let her go unless I see her happy with someone else or if I know that she is hurting because of me.

I haven't told anyone about our break up because other than my father resting and preparing himself for his operation, I am also busy running the company after releasing our new product which is a variety of flavored beers. Other than hotels and resorts, we actually do sell liquors and that's how our company started.

My grandfather used to have a thing for alcoholic beverages and he loved tasting different varieties of them especially wine which was how the company started and after then, when my father took over and since he also finished engineering, he started to also make hotels and resorts as another business and made Mr. Lee Yangwon, which happens to be Jiwon's father, as our architect since his works and designs are well-known and praised by many people.

[Dude, you're flavored beer is a hit!] Hoseok exclaimed as soon as I picked up his call. I am currently inside the office while reading some files about the said product.

"I'm glad. Hopefully that can bring back the sales of our company." I sighed. Everyone knew about the sudden drop of our over-all sales and it affected us so much since it dropped by 40%. Abeoji worried so much about it as it has never happened before in the company which made him stay here to try fixing the problem by himself that made his already weak heart even weaker. But I'm glad that after I took over, the problem was resolved although not yet completely. Thankfully, I have my sister as my guide too.

[How about a drink tonight, partner? Let's celebrate!] He emphasized the word 'partner'. I chuckled. Hoseok's family owns a bar which we used in our graduation party and he just started to take over it two months ago. We have decided to become their supplier of liquor.

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