Chapter 17: Jealous

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Lee Jiwon's POV

"How many corndogs have you eaten already?!" Jimin asked in shock as soon as he arrived here in the canteen where I am 'patiently' waiting for him to be done with his thing inside the library since I was also hungry. I shrugged and took another bite of my corndog before looking at the sticks.

Oh, so I'm already having my fourth corndog? Oh, nice.

I shrugged the thought of the amount of calories that I ate and devoured my remaining food, moaning and humming every time the flavor enveloped my tongue. Licking off the mayonaise on my lips, Jimin got the audacity to laugh at me. "What?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Nah, you're just so cute." He placed his chin in the palm of his hand and winked at me. Tch, this little flirt! If he thinks this makes him cute then he is right. I have too much of a cute boyfriend.


Every time I think of him being my boyfriend, I cannot help but to smile. I thought seeing Dawon grow up with me standing as his parent was enough to make me happy but after Jimin came into my life, I was happier than ever. I was so happy to know that there is a person who loves me as who I am despite of all my flaws. I'm so happy to know that someone loves me even though I admit to myself that I am not even loveable.

But there is still this fear that one day, this happiness that I have will be taken away from me. I'm afraid of falling deeper than I am feeling towards him today knowing that my secret would be enough as a reason for people to take him away. It's weird, but I hurt myself before anyone does with scenarios that I create inside my head. I hurt myself today to lessen the pain of what's going to happen tomorrow.

Anytime soon, this happiness will be taken away from me. Too much happiness scares me because I know that afterwards, I'll feel miserable again. I'll just be sadder than the amount of happiness that I had.

"Hey, is something wrong?" He asked, probably noticing my change of emotions. He placed his hand on my cheek and caressed it with his thumb. I gave him a reassuring smile as I nodded. "I just want one more corndog," I said. He shook his head in disbelief before pinching my cheek. "Aish, you eat too much. What about work?" He asked. I pouted and frowned.

"You have work today, right?" He asked and I nodded. "I'll be the opening performance tonight. Just saying if you wanna come and watch me," I smiled flirtatiously at him.

He smirked. "Getting nasty, huh? And of course I'll come, I'd love to watch my baby dancing using a pole ㅡ fucking turns me on even more."

I bit my lip and started moving my feet along his legs. "I'd gladly dance for you, daddy."

He bit his lip harshly, "Fuck, call me that again."

"Baby girl will dance nicely, only for you, daddy," I said, licking and biting my lip with my feet still caressing his legs.

He suddenly stood up and took my hand, bringing me to somewhere that he only knows. In just a blink of an eye, he was already kissing my lips hungrily while he pinning me against the cold wall. We're inside a dark room, probably a storage room here in the canteen. "J-Jimin," I whimpered, feeling his hands in my butt as he groped on them harshly. His every movement was far from the gentleness that I remember when we first did it but I won't lie about the fact that this turns me on so much. He bit my lip and licked the swollen flesh. He freed my lip and slid a hand inside my underwear without me even noticing that he has unbuttoned my pants. "Jimin," I softly moaned as he started to run his fingers on my core. I slightly opened my legs apart to give him more access on my genitalia.

"That's 'daddy' for you, baby." His voice came out deep and hoarse, still his hand working on my core very slowly.

Damn, I never saw myself doing this kind of thing especially here at school.

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