Chapter 31: I Love You, Good Bye (M)

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With their eyes looking into each other with so much affection; under the moonlight and the stars from above, they crossed the distances of their lips as they closed their eyes and let themselves drown from each other's love. They kissed with so much passion as if telling 'I love you' to each other with their lips. They could feel how fast both of their hearts were beating and it felt as if they wanted to come out of their chests.

Burning. That's what their bodies were feeling with each other's touch. Jimin traveled his hands on her waist as he slowly traced gentle kisses on her jaw, on the back of her ear, and down to her neck. Jiwon held onto his shoulders as she slightly tilted her head and gasped from the electricity that travelled along her body that sent her goosebumps all over her skin.

He pulled away and removed her shirt, letting it down on the floor. Jiwon immediately kissed him on his neck, sucking his flesh and leaving love marks on him. Jimin bit his lip as he snaked his arms on Jiwon to pull her closer to him.

They're going slow, far from how they always touch each other. This was pure love without any intentions of reaching their climax as many times as they want and can. It's full of letting each other know how much they love each other through their body. They're about to make love.

Jimin carried Jiwon, making her pull away from his skin. She wrapped her arms on him as she stared into his eyes and so did him. He laid her body on the mattress and he hovered above her. With a soft, gentle, and warm kiss on the lips; Jiwon closed her eyes again and threaded her fingers on his hair. They were going slow but the effect on them was stronger than those that they felt whenever they did it rough. They felt like their hearts wanted to escape from their chests from beating so fast that they could no longer breathe properly.

Slowly, Jimin shifted his attention on her exposed chest, his tongue licking every spot that he bit and sucked every now and then. A gasp escaped Jiwon's lips when Jimin softly traced the side of her stomach, the touch sending shiver to run down her spine.

Using the same hand, Jimin unclasps the hook of her bra and he pulled away to completely remove it. He started to trace a kiss in between her breasts, going down on her stomach while giving her love marks as many as he wanted to. When he pulled away, he looked at every red mark that he had left on her skin. He smiled proudly before going on futher until he removed her pants and underwear.

He teased her by kissing her inner thigh, also leaving hickeys on them. She whimpered, her intimate area feeling cold and empty while exposed. She wanted to feel his warmth yet she could no longer speak as if her tongue was removed. Her head started to feel light as if her knowledge has gone to fade with his magical touch.

She moaned softly when Jimin ran a finger on her clit. He wanted to make sure that she was completely wet before he enters himself. He pulled away and stood to remove his remaining clothes before going back on top of her. He kissed her lips again but this time, with the presence of their tongue to distract her from the sudden opening of her hole as he slowly entered himself on her. He groaned from the tightness of her around him.

The last time they ever had sex was more than four months ago. What if Jiwon already forgot the feeling of him inside her?

Slowly, he started to move his hips, thrusting moderately in and out of her. A moan escaped her lips in between their kiss. She arched her back from the sudden current of pleasure travelling all over her body and she held onto his hair, pulling on it a little bit harshly.

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