Chapter 29: Her Decision

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Lee Jiwon's POV

The night fell which means that I need to go to the club today. I entertain more people as much as I can to have many tips that I can save into my bank account.

I went out a little off from my comfort zone, letting my customers kiss me and touch me sensually but I never let them kiss my lips. Even if I feel disgusted with myself, I always think of Dawon and his situation to have the guts and endure it.

As the night got deeper, I found myself with Chanyeol again as I danced for him with a huge amount of money just in between my cleavage that came from him. Ever since that day he confessed to me, I started avoiding him. He shouldn't fall for someone like me. How did he even like a stripper like me? Yet the same question goes to Jimin.

Chanyeol was so eagered to see me that he tripled the amount of his payment, almost renting my whole being to the manager just to talk to me but I danced instead of talking to him, afterall, my work is to strip dance and not to have a proper and serious conversation with my client.

I guess I have a great effect on him. From the way he watched me move my body with the song, he tensed every now and then. His breath hitches whenever I let him have a view of my chest.

My dress flew onto him after I threw it. He inhaled deeply, his eyes fixed on me intently. I decided to tease him further, slightly moving down the garter of my panties. His adam's apple moved and I smirked before fixing it back to its place.

I must admit to enjoy teasing Chanyeol. He's so cute while looking so flustered. Maybe if I met him before Jimin, I would have had liked him back but unfortunately for him, I am already in love with someone else.

I was too into my dance but we were interrupted with the manager entering our room in panic, slamming the door open. "Hide, Jiwon, hide! The police are here! Go!" She shouted at me and my heart started to beat fast in panic. For years that I've been working in this place, we were never found by the police.

This night club is actually illegal because other than strip dances, most of the strippers here are prostitutes and do extra services here. I was applied to be one, but fortunately, I didn't end to become one with the help of the manager being that I was still very young when I entered this club.

Chanyeol stood up, removed his coat, and immediately covered my almost-naked body with it and together, we searched for different ways to escape the chaos inside this club. Everyone was screaming for mercy as I caught some of my co-workers wrapped with only a towel and their clients only in their underwear, running around to escape from the cops.

Some where already arrested, kneeling down while raising there hands up in surrender, crying and begging for mercy. As if the sky was with the events and with the pain in our hearts, a lightning striked and the loud sound of thunder made everyone even more scared for themselves. The rain then started to pour hard.

My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest as we ran out of the club, both Chanyeol and I getting drenched by the heavy rain. Gunshots, screams of mercy, cries for pardon heard in the place; everything was in chaos. I started crying. It's over. Without the club, I can no longer earn as much money. I don't have anything with me anymore. It's all in Dawon's treatment yet I don't have enough to keep his treatment going.

Chanyeol pushed me inside his car. My mind was already blank. I don't know what to do anymore. I watched the club where my co-workers were getting arrested for their illegal doings as each of them were being gathered in the police vehicle while Chanyeol drove away from the club. Everyone was crying. They lost their job which was the only source of money that they have and got arrested.

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