Chapter 3: She Likes Who?!

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Park Jimin's POV

"Yah, Jimin. Take care of baby Jihoon for today, hmm?" My mom said as she gave my nephew to me. The little boy quietly sat comfortably on my lap as he stared at my mother who's squating down his level. "Don't make your Jiminie Samchon have a hard time on taking care of you, okay?"

"Ne, Halmeoni," my nephew said politely. My mother stood up and patted our heads. "We're going now. It's only for today, Jimin. I expect you to take very good care of him."

"Ne, eomeoni," I nodded and patted Jihoon's head.

Jihoon and I both watched my parents walk towards the door until the door shuts close and they're gone. I sighed and looked down on the kid. "When will your parents be home from Japan?"

"I don't know," he shrugged.

"Wanna go somewhere? It's boring here isn't it?" He nodded. "I want ice cream, Samchon," the little boy begged and pouted. Cute.

"Okay," I messed up his fluffy hair and carry him. I fetched my car keys and told the maiden of the house that Jihoon and I were  leaving before we exited the house. I placed Jihoon down the passenger sit before sitting on the driver's and waited for ahjumma to fully open the gates before driving away from home.

I have decided to take Jihoon to the mall so that after we get ice cream, we can go shopping or we can play arcade games. It's just really boring at home and a four year old kid like him isn't aloud to use gadgets either since my eomeoni doesn't allow him because she wants him to engage more on physical games or mental games.

As soon as we set foot on a stall that sells ice cream, I carried Jihoon so that he can see the choices of flavors. "What flavor do you want?"

"Chocolate," he said in a cute way, pouting his lips as well as puffing his cheeks while pointing at the container that has the chocolate flavor. I slightly chuckled and asked the lady to give me one cone of ice cream coated with chocolate that hardens because of the cold dessert.

Jihoon reached his hand out and took the ice cream from the lady. I handed  her enough money before we left the stall and walked around the mall.

I smiled as I watched my nephew enjoy his ice cream. He looked so cute with all the ice cream covering his cute little lips and some of it smudged on his cheeks and nose.

"You're getting quite heavy. Is it okay if I put you down?" I asked him when I felt that my shoulders and arms have turned a little numb. He nodded, eyes still focused on his ice cream. I carefully set him down and held his hand.

Silently thinking about the things that we can do today, my train of thoughts stopped as soon as I heard his little squeal followed by his loud cry. I looked down on him to see his ice cream already on the ground, his whole hands covered with melted ice cream and so was his shirt.

"Hey, don't cry," I gently said, squatting down on his level. I took my handkerchief out of my pocket and wiped his sticky hands and face. "Big boys don't cry, right?"

"B-but my ice cream," he whined, causing me to smile softly and pat his head. "I'll buy you a bigger one but we need to clean you up first, okay? You're sticky."

Jihoon took my handkerchief and wiped his tears. "Okie," he said then nodded.

I bought him first a white shirt because I think it will suit his black jacket, jeans and his Timberlands unlike his color blue shirt with an airplane in the middle. We proceeded to the comfort room after and just as we were about to enter, the janitor closed it and apologizes, "Sorry for the inconvinience, Sir, but this comfort room is under maintenance right now."

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