Chapter 8: You Can't Like Me

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Lee Jiwon's POV

I opened my eyes, the ringing of my alarm clock irritating my ears. With a groan, I rolled out of my bed and turned my alarm off. After doing a little stretching to remove the stiffness of my body, I fixed my bed and went inside the bathroom to take a bath and get ready for school.

Dawon is already up and he is eating his cereals. I joined him for breakfast, eating cereals as well.

"I'll get going, Noona," Dawon said, placing his bowl in the sink. "Okay. Be careful," I told him. He just nodded. Looking back at me, smiling, he waved his hands as a goodbye and exited the door, leaving me alone.

As soon as I finished my food, I picked my things up and left the apartment going to the university when all of a sudden, a familiar car stopped right in front of me. He rolled the window down, looked at me and then he pulled down his sun glasses. He gave me a wink.

Is that what he usually does with the girls he hooks up with?


"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Picking you up," he smirked and fixed his glasses back properly.


Jimin shrugged. "I don't know. I just feel like it. Hop in."

Since he's here anyway, I just sat silently on the passenger's seat. This is actually a good thing since I get to save money instead of using it as my trasportation fee. Ever since Jimin and I got close, I'm able to save a little more money which is really an advantage for me and Dawon.

At first, I was hesitant with us hanging out but I guess it's not bad after all that I actually allowed myself to loosen up a bit.

On our way to the university, I saw Dawon still walking, going to the bus stop. "Jimin, can you please stop the car?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Dawon." I said and pointed at the figure of my brother. "Can we take him to school? Please?"

"Oh sure," Jimin nodded and stopped  beside Dawon. He rolled down the window on my side and I smiled at my brother. "Come on in, Dawon."

"Noona? What theㅡ oh, it's you," he said, glaring at Jimin. Tch, I don't know if I should feel flattered or not over his act of being protective because my brother looks so cute!

"Yes, it is me. Come in, I'll drive you to school," Jimin said, holding back a laugh.

"Do I have a choice?" My brother said arrogantly. Aish, why is he acting all manly? It's super cute I just want to hug him tight and squeeze him while feeding him cupcakes and candies.

I told Jimin where Dawon studies and he happens to know where exactly is that place.

"How old are you?" Jimin asked Dawon.

"I'm thirteen."

"You. Do you like my noona? Are you courting her?" Dawon asked all of a sudden.

"Daㅡ" I stopped as Jimin said, "Can I?" Wait what?

I looked at Jimin for confirmation but he just winked at me. Does that mean he's just messing with my brother? Well, maybe he is since he is smirking and he winked at me too.

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