Chapter 35: Truth

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Two months since that night when they parted. A lot has changed for the short amount of time. Jimin became successful as planned and his company was now planning to build a new resort. He's currently having a talk with Architect Lee Yangwon about the said project.

"I want the hotel to look more comfortable instead of just fancy," Jimin explained, clasping both of his hands together as he stared at Jiwon's father. He looks so much like Dawon. Jimin said inside his head. Maybe Jiwon looks more like her mother.

Mr. Lee Yangwon nodded, not even knowing that the young man he was talking with is the boyfriend ㅡ ex-boyfriend rather ㅡ of his daughter that he has been trying to find for the past five years. He did hire someone to do the job for him, but either the investigator was having some troubles of finding his children that's why he ended up firing the person after two years. He was paying for nothing. He didn't know if it was because they were really difficult to find or the person that he hired was just not very competent.

Jimin's phone suddenly lit up because of a notification, his phone buzzing from the vibration while resting on top of the table. "Your girlfriend?" Mr. Lee asked after seeing Jimin's wallpaper, although not clearly, it's enough for him to recognize it as a girl. Jimin nervously nodded, but then he realized that they're already over.

Two months, he hasn't heard anything about her for 2 months but he did saw her smiling brightly beside someone else one time in the mall. She was laughing while holding hands with another guy. He's actually already happy with another guy.

He was asking himself a lot of questions that he always ends up sleeping late at night. Sometimes, he just falls asleep because he was getting tired from crying. He was dying inside with a broken heart but he tells himself that no one even has to know and he is going to deal with it on his own because surely as people finds out, many would ask the question that even himself is having a hard time to answer. Their break up wasn't enough to give him the closure that he needs. She said she loves him but then she broke up and told him that he deserves someone better.

"Ex, actually," Jimin corrected. Mr. Lee chuckled. "I feel the same, young man." He sighed. "Can you keep a secret?" He asked Jimin who just nodded his head slowly. "I regret so much leaving my family." Mr. Lee started. "I was an idiot to leave my wife for someone that I thought would love me as much. She did have the looks and the sexual excitement, but she had nothing compared to how much my wife made me feel loved. I was only used because of money." He bitterly laughed. "It's the worst mistake I've ever made but I want to still make it right while I still have the chance." He stopped and asked the young man in front of him. "I hope you don't mind if I ask what happened between you and your ex?"

Jimin puckered his lips. He's hesitating but he ended up sharing his story. Mr. Lee had no idea that Jimin was talking about his daughter anyway. "She left me for someone else. We were so happy that I never even thought of her leaving me for someone." He sadly shared.

"She wasted such a good man like you." Mr. Lee drank his coffee and then he took out his phone to show Jimin the family picture that he has, the last picture taken before he left his family.

Jiwon looked so young especially Dawon. He was so little standing beside Jiwon. Jimin looked at the woman beside Jiwon which was her mother and he was right, they do look a-like.

"She's lovely isn't she? I bet my daughter is as lovely as my wife." Mr. Lee smiled before taking back his phone. "I regret it so much." He sighed.

"Jiwon is really lovely," Jimin muttered unknowingly that made Mr. Lee raise an eyebrow. Jimin's eyes widened after realizing what he just said.

"What do you mean?" He asked the young man. "You know my daughter?"

Jimin sighed. It's about time Mr. Lee knows the truth. He is regretting so much and maybe letting him know that Jiwon was well with him, Jimin, can some how make Jiwon's father feel better. "She's my ex." Jimin admitted and showed him a picture of her and Jimin together. "We've been together for almost a year until she broke up with me."

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