Chapter 28: Chance

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Lee Jiwon's POV

Looking at Dawon all weak and unlively makes me want to cry. Each day that passes, I'm always hoping for a better result in every session that he has in the hospital. It's been a month since he started his therapy. With the help of Chanyeol, I was getting a lot of money than I should whenever he comes in the club. Since that night when I danced for him, we always meet once a week and he pays me double the amount everytime. I asked him to stop but he keeps on insisting to give me such a huge amount of money. Even if I hate it, I end up accepting his money because of Dawon. As long as he isn't asking for my body in exchange for his money, I don't see why I should reject his money.

"Jimin," I breathed out after seeing him walking towards me in the hallway. He smiled at me and ran our distance. "How are you?" He asked. "I'm doing fine, I guess."

"I won't stay too long here, I'm sorry. I want to be by your side but I need to leave." He sat beside me and held my hand. "What do you mean leave?" I asked, looking at his eyes that were sad.

"I'll be gone for three months. I'm sorry, baby, but I need to. You see, Abeoji all along had a weak heart and we only knew about it yesterday. I guess that's the reason why he wanted me to take over as soon as possible." He confessed. He looked really sad that's why I found myself hugging him in my arms. "I have to replace him immediately but I need to settle some things in Japan about our business. I hate to leave you now that you're going through such pain."

I felt my tears flowing down my eyes. "Hey, it's okay. It's your father we are talking about. Don't worry about me, okay? I can take care of myself."

"I'll call when I'm free." He hugged me tighter. "I love you."

I smiled after hearing those words. "I love you too, Jimin." I whispered into his ears, finally uttering those words that I've hidden for awhile now. He chuckled. "I know, baby. I know." He pulled away to give a peck on my lips. "I promise to behave while I'm away."

"When are you leaving?" I asked, wiping my tears. "Later. I just came here to personally tell you. I'm going to miss you so much, Wonwon."

"I'll miss you too, Minmin." I sadly smiled. He stood up, about to leave. "Take care of yourself while I'm gone." He nodded. "You too."

I watched him walk away from me. Just by the thought of him leaving far away, I already miss him. He's really in a hurry but I'm glad that he found time to tell the sad news to me in person. I guess I don't need to worry much about him and focus my mind on Dawon for now.

My tears were stubborn as they betrayed me. They kept on flowing even if I don't want to cry because of Jimin's departure. It's just three months. I shouldn't be feeling this way but I really miss him already. Who knows what could happen for the next day, the next week, or the next month? I need him but his family needs him more. I am not selfish enough to make him stay with me.

A chuckle escaped my lips. Why am I so sad of being alone; of him not being by my side for awhile? I can manage to be alone. If I surpassed those years of sorrow, then I can surpass it this time, afterall, I was used of having me and only myself to lean on.

Yeah. You can go on by yourself, Jiwon. Just like before you met him.

"Iris?" That voice. I looked up to the person standing in front of me. "Chanyeol?" He's wearing a white coat and a stethoscope was hanging on his shoulders. "You're a doctor?" I asked the obvious.

"Uh, yes. What are you doing here?" He asked. He sat beside me and handed me a handkerchief which I accepted with no hesitations to wipe my tears. "Iriㅡ"

I cut him. "It's Jiwon. Outside of that place, I'm Jiwon. No one knows what I do, so please don't call me in that name unless we're in the club."

"Oh. Jiwon... uh, what brings you here? Why are you crying?"

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