Chapter 46: So Far Away

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Lee Jiwon's POV

It has been only a day ago since Jimin and I got back together. These days lately, I come to think that my dark past is slowly becoming my strength and my perspectives from before when I was a stripper is coming back to me. Not that I want to return on stripping, but the thoughts like 'yeah, what's so wrong with stripping? You just strip and don't fuck' and 'Have I ever kissed a customer's lips? Eew, definitely not, why would I anyway?' ㅡ those thoughts are just kicking in to me and I see more of my story in a positive way now.

Jimin was right. I was incredible because I was able to raise myself and my brother at an early age.

But there is quite some problem. Before I got back with Jimin, I already planned on flying to Australia for business purposes. We also have a resort there and for the past 3 years, my father noticed that the amount of tourists that visits our resort each year was decreasing. He said that if this keeps on for more years, we will have no choice but to shut the operation of that resort and stop the business. But it might take me a year or more before returning back here in Korea after resolving the problem.

I'll be leaving tomorrow and my stupid ass hasn't been able to tell Jimin that I'll be leaving. I tried to contact him since early this morning but he was busy. His phone was busy and according to his secretary, his schedule was full today. I can't just cancel my flight because I haven't said my goodbye when it's already tomorrow morning. Argh, I'm so stupid.

Yesterday, you ask? I was busy that I wasn't able to think about it.

What about the day when we got back together? How could I even when I was feeling too euphoric because of his presence right after a mental break down the night before that day?

"You ready for tomorrow?" My father asked, losening his tie as he sat down on the chair that's in front of my desk.

I sighed, nodding.

"If you comeback here successfully after a year, I'll immediately hand over the company to you." He said out of the blue which made me lose my grip on my pen that I was using to take down some notes.

My body was left frozen. Shocked, with wide eyes, I looked at my father. He smiled, "I'm getting old, Jiwon. I just want to spend my remaining days taking care of you and your brother."

"You say that like you're dying. You aren't right?" I asked in fear which made him laugh. I sighed in relief. He didn't have to talk that way, he almost gave me a heart attack.

"Haha, of course not!" He continued laughing. "I just really want to retire. Besides, you're old enough to take over the company." He held my hand and lightly squeezed it, suddenly becoming serious. "I trust you, Jiwon. I know that you are capable enough."

I smiled enthusiastically. "I won't fail you, Appa."

After a long day in the office, I quickly packed my luggage which I will bring with me overseas. From time to time, I tried contacting Jimin but he's still busy. I want to talk to him personally, if not, at least a call to further explain details rather than just a text message.

Seconds, minutes, and hours has passed. I should be sleeping by now to wake up early at 4 am tomorrow but I couldn't unless I can have a conversation with Jimin. It's almost midnight but I am still on my phone, trying to contact him.

Just 30 more minutes. If by then, he hasn't picked up, go to sleep. I told myself.

Again, minutes has passed until I disobeyed my own self and waited for another hour. It's almost two in the evening. I can only have two more hours to sleep and wake up.


My alarm rang exactly at four. I grumply turned it off and massaged my temples. The last moment that I checked the time, it was already 3 in the morning and I fell asleep afterwards without me even knowing while I was waiting for Jimin to call or text back.

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