Chapter 36: Broken Her

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"You're home," Jiwon greeted Chanyeol after he entered the house while looking so tired. She placed her cup of milk down and approached him, getting his bag from his hand.

"Are you okay?" She asked even if it's obvious that he wasn't. He shook his head and moved his shoulder lightly.

Chanyeol just did a surgery for four hours before he came home that's why he feels really tired.

"You want me to massage you?" Jiwon offered. He looked at her and smiled. "That would be lovely."

"Alright then. Freshen up first. I'll follow inside your room after I get my oil." He nodded.

After she got the oil, she proceeded inside Chanyeol's bedroom. "Oh," she unconciously uttered after seeing him go out of his bathroom ㅡ topless while drying his hair. As always, he would give her a smile. "Let's start?" He asked and she shyly nodded, watching him lay down on his bed.

Damn it, why did I even offer a massage? This feels awkward. She internally cursed herself.

She inhaled deeply before kneeling down on the bed, staring at his back which looked really manly. It's hot ㅡ Chanyeol is actually really sexy.

She popped open the lid of the bottle and poured some on her hand which was enough to cover his back then she rubbed her palms together to produce heat before spreading the oil on his back. Chanyeol groaned.

"You're doing a great job, babe." He grunted. She bit her lip and looked at his face where she could see him biting his lip too. He sounds erotic and so is his expression but maybe it's just me? She said in her mind but she just looked away to stop herself from being distracted and feeling awkward.

Continuously running her hands on his back, pressing and squeezing his shoulders too, her face frowned with the thought of her not being able to do this to Jimin at least once.

She shook her head and internally scolded herself. 'Stop it, Jiwon. Jimin and you are over, okay? Forget him and focus on Chanyeol. You owe him a lot and this is the only way you can repay his kindness, stupid girl!'

Pressing her hand on certain areas, his bones make a crack which made him groan. Minutes passed and she was only focused on his back and shoulders, making sure that it will make him feel really better. This is really nothing compared to the help that he gave her and Dawon.

"You're good at this," he commended, groaning. "Uh, thanks?" She shyly said.

He suddenly sat up, making her see his naked front once again and she found herself blushing hard. Chanyeol has a really nice body. From the buillt of his muscles until his body proportions that seems as if owned by a very famous model. He's a very hot doctor to start with plus his intelligence make him even more attractive. Surely any women can really be attracted to him even if you just see him standing, sitting, or walking without even putting an effort to look very charismatic.

Jiwon looked away from him and fiddled with her own fingers. "You feel g-good?" She shyly asked, feeling uncomfortable to be with a half-naked man. She's never been with anyone naked or half-naked other than Jimin. And the first time it happened was when she was under the influence of alcohol which somehow boosted up her confidence that time.

Chanyeol suddenly aimed on her lips with his own, kissing her lips passionately as he snaked his arm on her waist to pull her closer. Jiwon was left frozen from the immediacy of the event that she only realized what he wants right after he had already pinned her down on the bed.

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