Chapter 26: Bad News

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Lee Jiwon's POV

Dawon seems tired lately and right now, he has a very high fever. He looks pale and again, he's got some new bruises. I'm really worried about him but he keeps on saying that he's fine and Jimin tells me the same when we call each other at night.

I called him for lunch after I finished cooking our meal. I saw him lazily walking towards the dining room and I couldn't help but to feel more worried. He has gotten thinner as well and I'm super worried because of it.

He suddenly stopped walking as blood dripped down his nose and the next thing that happened made me panic. As I saw him lying on the floor after he fainted, all pale and weak. I immediately ran to him and knelt beside him. I checked his pulse and I'm glad he still has. I tried waking him up, tapping his cheek but he's not responding.

Not again, please. Not another family.

I started crying, scared for what's happening but I am still able to call an ambulance to pick him up. I'm panicking and scared. I can't afford to lose Dawon. He's my only family left. I just hope he's okay and that nothing serious is behind his fainting. I'll probably lose my sanity if it's something serious.

The ambulance arrived and they quickly brought me and Dawon to the hospital. I closed my eyes and silently prayed while the paramedics took care of my brother but my painful memories flashed before my eyes with my closed eyelids being the blackscreen of those painful visions from my past.

"You have cancer and it's in stage four," the doctor announced which made mom cry. The doctor continued to explain things about her cancer. Each word he uttered stabbed my heart knowing that we were alreading losing my mom's battle. I felt my tears flow down my eyes but the only thing that I could do for now was to hug her and make her feel that I am here beside her; that I am here to fight with her no matter what.


"Eomma!" I cried when the doctor declared her death. She's gone. I hugged her body tight and shook her whole body, hoping that she will wake up. "Eomma, no! Please! Don't leave me!" My whole body was shivering as I cried out in sorrow. My mind couldn't take in the fact that she's really gone.

"Miss, I'm sorry but we need to take her to the morgue." I couldn't let her go but I have to. Even if it's hard, even if I hate it, even if my mind tells me otherwise, the fact that she's already dead won't change anymore. She's really gone and I have to accept it even if I can't.

My hands were shaking and sweating as I searched for Jimin in my contacts. I'm sweating cold sweat. I'm shivering from crying so much. I can't think anymore. I need him. I need someone. I'm scared. I can't take in what's happening.

There are so many what if's that are running inside my head and it's making my head ache. What if it's something worse? What if it's cancer? What if he leaves me like how Eomma left? What if he leaves me alone? I can't lose him.

Not anymore, please. I cried inside my head while hitting my head in the window, feeling cold and helpless.

[Hello, Wonwon.]

"Minmin... I need you," I said, crying. I'm starting to feel weak and my breathing is becoming unsteady.

I'm shaking and everything around me started to spin and blur. "Ma'am! Ma'am!" I heard them trying to call me but it's all fading. My hearing and my vision became unclear until I felt my whole body numb and I can't remember anything that's happening after.

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