Chapter 4: Friends... For Now

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Park Jimin's POV

"Will you stop glaring at me, Jimin?" Yoongi said with exasperation, as he placed down his chopsticks in a quite harsh manner.

The five of them looked at us with wonder written all over their faces. I acted as if innocent, tilting my head on the side while looking at him with a pout on my lips. "I wasn't glaring at you."

"Yes you were. You've been glaring at me ever since we've seen each other this day." Oh right, I remember. I've been glaring at you because I don't like the fact that Jiwon admires you while here I am, the one who is liking her so much and the one who is doing the best that I can just to get closer to her doesn't even get that attention that I need! Why is life so unfair?!

I saw Taehyung already giving me that annoying smile and look everytime he's teasing me and I swear I want to put his face on the mud and wipe that face off. It's annoying. How do you unbestfriend someone? Ugh, why do I even tell him things when he uses it against me?

Annoyed, I gave Tae a look to signal him to keep his big mouth shut or else I'm going to kick his balls but he just laughed at me, opening his mouth that is so big where my fists perhaps could fit.

"Jiwon likes Yoongi," Tae spoke up. I sighed and stood up; about to punch his face but Jungkook pulled me back down and stopped me from doing so.

"Ooh, boy, you got some competition," Namjoon said.

"Oh, that's why. Don't worry, Jimin. She isn't my type and of course, I wouldn't steal your girl," Yoongi said, chuckling. You better don't, idiot.

"I concluded something about Jiwon," Hoseok said while chewing on his food.

"What?" The six of us ask him.

"Jiwon likes small people," he answered then all of them started to laugh except for me and Yoongi. We're talking about our height here! I'm not that short! Why are they like this to me; to us?!

"Yah! Do you want me to kill you?!" Yoongi threatened but it did not threaten the others as they all continued to laugh at our height. "At least I'm cute," I said and rolled my eyes.

After having our lunch, Yoongi, Hoseok, and I went to our Accounting class as Namjoon and Seokjin headed to their History class and Taehyung and Jungkook for Research class.

As we walked on the hallway going to our room, Hoseok suddenly informed us about tonight's show. "Hey, I heard Iris will be on stage tonight. Let's go?"

"I'm good," Yoongi said and then, they all turned to me, giving me a look that I couldn't explain whether they're teasing me or they just want to look stupid and they both asked, "How 'bout you, lover boy?" in sync. I just nodded as an answer.

But... lover boy? Hey! I'm not that whipped for Jiwon... am I? Well, I guess I am but still, I do not consider this feeling as love yet. I want to take it slow for her and as well as for me. I couldn't risk the fact that changes happen. There are so many what ifs. What if it's just really like that I feel towards her. We've never been so close before but I really like her. What if she really wants everything to be so smooth and not rushed? I don't want her to feel pressured and I just have this feeling of protection and care for her. I want her to always be happy. If she becomes mine, I want her to be always smiling, and if ever she cries; it is because of gaiety, because she's so much happy of being with me and because of the things that I will or we will do together.

I may be a playboy in some people's eyes, I may just fuck around, have one night stands and have no serious relationships, but I know for sure that this heart of mine is sincere when it comes to my feelings for Jiwon. I've never felt this way with any other girls beside her. Yes, I had crushes before but not as strong as what I feel for her. I like her so much, she'll know it... but not now, not today, but very very soon. I just hope I won't experience unrequited feelings.

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