Chapter 38: Letting Her Go

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Expecting for herself to fall, Jiwon felt that there were strong arms that wrapped around her waist to prevent her from falling. She heard the shaky and heavy breathing of the person behind her but she kept her eyes closed. She doesn't know the person behind her, but she lets the person stop her from falling as if it made her wake up from another stupid decision that she was about to do.

"Hey, baby," the boy behind him whispered using a shaking voice from the fear of losing her. He was so worried after seeing her almost falling down but luckily he was fast enough to run to her, hug her, and stop her from ending her life.

Jiwon felt her tears slowly flow down her eyes. The familiar warmth and voice of the man behind her made her tensed body relax and her mind that was filled with different emotions and thoughts to calm. "Please tell me that I'm not dreaming," she whispered sadly, wishing that the voice that she was hearing wasn't a hallucination.

"No, baby, you are not." Jimin decided to lift her up and bring her back inside the safe area. He hugged her tight. "You scared me." He placed a kiss on her forehead. "I need you and I love you, always remember that." Jiwon cried in the arms of the man that she truly loves but she realized the reality she was in, making her push him away.

"You won't love me anymore." She smiled sadly. "I can't be with you because you deserve the best, Jimin."

Jimin was once again confused. He doesn't understand anything that she's saying.

"Jiwon!" A panting Chanyeol appeared in the scene after searching for her as he had learned what happened inside Dawon's room where both Mr. Lee and Dawon were left worried for her. He was just going to check Dawon, but he saw Mr. Lee and Dawon crying.

He immediately pulled Jiwon into a hug, happy to see her safe and sound. He promised to help her fix herself but he failed. He felt bad, but he was glad that Jiwon is fine.

The rooftop became her favorite place to go to when she wants to think and that's where Chanyeol would always find her, sitting on the benches or leaning forward on the railings so drowned deeply in her thoughts ㅡ in her own world of pain and agony ㅡ as the wind blew her long hair. It's a beautiful sight to see, but he was always aware that her thoughts were dark and ugly which was an exact opposite of how wonderful she looked while she's deep into her thoughts.

Jimin's heart felt as if it was stabbed by multiple times as he sees another man hugging Jiwon in front of him. Jiwon smiled but Jimin can tell how fake it was. He knows, because he has seen her slowly come out of the wall that she built around herself for protection when they met. "I'm okay," she lied and hugged Chanyeol back as if trying to explain Jimin the situation with it.

They pulled away from each other. "Please guard Dawon for me. I'll just have a talk with my friend," she told Chanyeol, referring to Jimin as her friend.

Chanyeol looked at Jimin and he just gave him a fake smile. Jimin was hurt, but he doesn't want to show it to Jiwon's new found lover. "Hey man. I'm Dr. Park Chanyeol, Jiwon's boyfriend," he introduced, stabbing another dagger in Jimin's heart. "Jiwon must be a special friend to you," he commented, noticing his swollen eyes.

"I'm Jimin," he plainly introduced, shaking hands with Chanyeol.

"Please take care of Jiwon," Chanyeol gently smiled. "I'll be in my clinic if you need anything, babe. You can stay there after talking with Jimin." He kissed her forehead.

"You're not coming home?" Jiwon asked, worried. Chanyeol hasn't been resting well enough lately due to his daily operations from different patients. "I can't. But I promise we'll go out after I'm free. Take care of yourself, hmm?" He lightly pinched her cheek.

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