Chapter 14: Witnessed by the Universe

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Lee Jiwon's POV

"Hey, Jimin, please stop staring at me. It's kinda difficult to eat when you're staring at me like that," I told him before popping a piece of cheeseball in my mouth and chewing on it. He chuckled and looked at me again. "Sorry, but you can't blame me for admiring my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" I almost choked from the information. "Who?" I raised an eyebrow.


"Me?" I lightly gasped in surprise. "Since when? I didn't even say that I like you too."

"What?!" He straightened his posture and looked at me in confusion, his eyes widening. "Then what about earlier! What does that mean?!"

"What earlier?" I acted as if innocent. I know and I clearly remember what I said, but apparently, I still have a point. He sort of misunderstood me but nevertheless, I want to play with him.

"You said you like me!"

"No, I did not!"


"I don't remember." I chuckled. "You and your imaginations, Jimin."

"I'm not imagining things, Jiwon, I know you said it!" He looked like he's about to cry. Poor, Jimin. I never really told him that I like him. Having a crush and liking him are still a different things for my perspective.

"Alright, stick with your imagination. It makes you happy, I guess." I shrugged and bit into my corndog. I hummed and smiled in satisfaction as the cheese stretched, my eyes almost disappearing in happiness.

A couple of seconds passed and I noticed him still pouting like a kid while staring at me. If it's about him thinking that I really said that I like him, well, it's not my problem anymore. In addition, I don't find it good that just because someone you like told you that they have mutual feelings toward you means that the person is already you're girlfriend or boyfriend. Where on earth did he even get that idea?

He noticed me looking at him and I regretted it after he pouted his lips even more. Some may find it cute but for me, it's annoying. "If you think pouting will make me say yes then you are wrong. It won't work on me, Jimin." I rolled my eyes and bit my second piece of corndog.

In my peripheral vision, I saw him pout even more as he started blinking his eyes and slightly puffing his cheeks. "Damn it, what do you want me to do so that you'll stop pouting? Just so you know, it's annoying and you look like an ugly duckling." I rolled my eyes once again. I might probably become an expert in the field of rolling eyes. Geez.

He clapped his hands followed by a smirk while he wiggled his eyebrows. "A kiss won't hurt." I refused. "No." And he started pouting again. I sighed and finished my corndog.

I stood up but before leaving him, I immediately kissed his cheek and walked away as if nothing happened, leaving him dumbfounded again. Playing or should I say teasing him has become some sort of entertainment for me since this day.

"Oh, hey, Jiwon! Where's Jimin? I thought he was with you?" Yoongi asked when we met, passing by each other. "He was but Iㅡ"

"Yah! Lee Jiwon, you can't just kiss me like that and run away from me!" We heard Jimin shout from the near distance, making the both of us look at the pissed yet happy Jimin walking towards us. But other than that, murmurs started to surround the canteen as they couldn't believe that I kissed Jimin and what I mean by kiss was a kiss on the lips since they all have malicious minds. Idiots.

"You kissed?" Yoongi whispered. "Kinda. It was just on the cheek since he's pouting face kind of annoyed me and he also asked for it so... yeah."

"Oh, but are the two of youㅡ"

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