Chapter 19: Sexy Angel

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Lee Jiwon's POV

The week-long celebration of our school's foundation day just started. As the usual thing that I do for the past years, I'm here in the corner of the library, silently reading books or studying our lessons. Yeah, what a nerd am I? I don't care. I won't let my brain get rusty just because it's foundation week.

Jimin has been pestering me through texts, asking if where I was but I don't answer until I got tired and just ignored the continuous vibration of my phone from the notifications of his texts and some of his calls. I know he's busy practicing for their game later afternoon and I don't want to go in the basketball court just to watch him or even study there knowing for sure that the court is full of people ㅡ majority are their fangirls ㅡ and I don't want to study in a noisy place.

I made him jealous last week for fangirling over Yoongi and to make it up to him, as promised, I made a banner for him and I'll watch and support him later. It's embarassing, shouting and raising a banner all by yourself (or maybe together with his fangirls) because I've never done it before. All I do every foundation week is staying at home to study or to clean the house, getting some sleep that I lack when I had to work at night, visiting my mother's grave, walking around the city to think, and sometimes, visiting my father's company building. Yes, I still hate him for abandoning us but I have good memories there.

I used to hide under the desks of the employees, wanting to play hide and seek with my parents whenever mom and I visit my father at work. I even often play with some of the employees when Appa is in a meeting. Eomma used to scold me because of that but the employees say that it's fine as I became their stress reliever at work. I was just a mere innocent child back then, not even aware that my own father would be the first person to break my heart.

Finishing another chapter on the book that I got interested in reading, I stood up and headed to the front desk of the library to borrow the book before I completely leave. As I opened my phone, my eyes widened after seeing 100 unread messages from Jimin and 50 missed calls from him, 10 missed calls from his other friends and 5 unread messages from Jin.


My phone started vibrating again with Yoongi calling me. I immediately picked it up. "Please tell Jimin that I'm on my way to the court, okay?"

[Good. This bastard keeps on pestering us that we weren't able to practice properly. Where are you, anyway?]



"Yeah. Now tell that little shit that I'm on my way. Bye." I ended our call and walked as fast as I could towards the court. I still have 30 minutes anyway before the game starts.

Arriving in the court, Jimin suddenly jumped before me and hugged me tightly. I made a disgusted look on my face, feeling his sweat sticking onto my body. Ugh, disgusting. "Eew, Jimin. Let me go. You're sweaty!" I said, trying to push him away.

"No!" He whined and embraced me even tighter. We're already making a scene here as the crowd watched us and are whispering  about us. Ugh! I'm okay with Jimin being clingy but not in public! Geez, I dislike public display of affection so much! It's sweet when your boyfriend screams to the world that you're his possession but this isn't really my thing.

"No sex for five months if you don't let me go," I whispered, threatening him. He immediately pulled away with a pout. Cute but nope, ain't gonna fall for it. I pinched his cheek. "That's my boy."

The game started soon and I am currently sitted in the third row of the bleachers as I held my banner tightly. God, am I really going to do this?

You should. Jimin makes a lot of efforts for you and this is the least you can do.

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