Chapter 24: Words Left Unsaid (M)

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Lee Jiwon's POV

The club was filled with the smell of various alcoholic beverages mixed altogether with smoke from cigarettes and vapes. The place was also illuminated by different colors of the lights and the place seemed foggy because of smoke just like in the club. The music played by the DJ that's going through the speakers were so loud that I could almost feel my body shaking from the beat. People were also dancing around without any care, some are even making out in the corner, some are drinking hard until they pass out, and some are just having fun talking with their friends.

Honestly, other than the strip club I am working at, I've never been in to any clubs or bars before. This whole club is owned by Hoseok's family and his parents allowed him to use the whole place for an after-party, inviting his friends and classmates over to have fun and enjoy. Their club looks very classy with the furnitures and facilities that they have. I can't help but to feel excited all of a sudden, the adrenaline rushing through my whole body.

Both Jimin and I joined the others on the table where they were laughing while sharing stories and eating chips and nuts. "Ayo, what's up!!!" Namjoon greeted.

"What's poppin'?!" Jungkook raised his hand to high five with Jimin.

"Turn up!" Taehyung exclaimed, standing up and dancing randomly all of a sudden. Jin joined him as well as Jungkook and they eventually joined the crowd, dancing their hearts out.

"Let me grab you both some drink. What do you want, Jimin?" Hoseok asked.

"I'll have a tequila."

"Hey, don't drink much. You have to drive," I whispered into his ear or more like shout, reminding him, because it's really noisy here inside. He smiled and nodded.

"How about you, Jiwon?"

"Margarita would be good," I answered.

Hoseok left the table to get us some drinks. In front of us are Yoongi and Namjoon having a very serious conversation as Yoongi held his glass of drink and lightly moved it in a circular motion to mix his drink with the ice.

"What are your plans now?" I asked Jimin and leaned on him, his arm placed on my shoulders.

"I'll train in my father's company and probably take over when he wants me to. How about you?"

"I'm planning on resigning in the club by the end of the month after receiving my salary and find a more decent job because after all, I have a good amount of savings and I'll only have to pay for Dawon's education and our essential needs."

"You wanna work in the company or become Noona's secretary? I can ask Abeoji or Jiree noona about it."

"That would be great." I smile. "I'll think about it."

Everything is going well in my life now. Maybe Jimin is an angel sent from above to become my guardian because my life went better after meeting him. I just really hope that this will go on with minor problems going in our way.

And I hope that the luck that he has brought me will go on.

Hoseok came back with our drinks as he tried to danced with the music at the same time. He's actually known for being a great dancer and it's proven by how graceful he moved even by just slightly dancing with the beat. I've never actually seen him dance before and I really want to watch him especially that dance performance our schoolmates were talking about together with Jimin and Jungkook. It was said that they performed it last year during the foundation day celebration but the typical me was at home that time and I never really cared about any of my schoolmates at all.

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