Chapter 6: Lingeries

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Park Jimin's POV

"Are they seriously dating?"

"Why are they always together?'

"I don't know if I should envy her or not but damn! Really, that nerd?!"

"Did she perhaps gave her virginity to get Jimin?"

I saw Jiwon roll her eyes as she took a bite of her fries, making me chuckle. That's so cute!

But I don't understand them though. What's the issue of me being with a girl? Don't they at least think that we're just friends? I mean, Jiwon and I don't even hold hands unless we pull each other to somewhere. She doesn't cling on me nor do something that can prove that the both of us are together. Basically, we just seem like friends at all (but not for long hehe.)

Maybe that's just how judgemental the world had become because of the growing population of toxic people.

"Hey, Jiwon!" I called her attention. From her book on top of the table as she's studying right now, she looked up at me and popped in two fries inside her mouth. She chewed on them while widening her eyes as a substitute for asking. "Mind a visit to our house? Jihoon's there. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."

"Hmm, okay." She nodded and ate another piece of fry.

"Really? What about your work?"

"My shift starts at eight so it's okay. I'll stay there until four because I still need to take care of my brother then prepare his food and help him with his assignments."

After finishing our food, the both of us left  the school and went to my house.

"Jihoon-ah!" I called my nephew and waited for him to come down. Probably after a few minutes, he's not down yet, making me shout his name again. "Jihoon-ah!"

"Gosh, Jimin. What's with all the shouting?" I froze as soon as I heard my sister's voice coming from upstairs as her stilettos clicked on the polished wooden surface of the stairs while she took her steps going down.

I saw her carrying Jihoon in her arms. As usual, she looked very intimidating with her chin up; straight posture; her very classy and sassy clothing; her stiletto heels; and her signature red lips. She puts Jihoon down who immediately ran towards Jiwon.

"Hmmm, who's the pretty girl?" She asked while looking at Jiwon. Even my sister thinks she's pretty! I told you, she's pretty! "She's my friend, Jiwon." I introduced. My sister nodded and passed by me. She approached Jiwon and with her intimidating gazes, Jiwon stood straight and smiled politely at my sister who's hands are on her back while she walked around Jiwon, observing every inch of her as if having an observation with her Science experiment.

Jiwon's eyes widened after what my sister suddenly told her. "Your boobs are a good shape and size." She said, looking like a maniac while checking Jiwon's boobs out. I realized that Jiwon was uncomfortable based from her expression. Who wouldn't be? My sister just deadass told her that she has great boobs.

"Noona, what the fuck?!" I pulled my sister away from Jiwon but I immediately received a slap from my sister on my arm. "You dare not curse at me, Park Jimin."

"Why are you saying that to her boobs?! You're making my guest uncomfortable!"

"What's wrong? It's just a compliment and it's not like you aren't going to touch them while you are having sex later anyways."

A moment of silence surrounded the three of us and I saw how Jiwon blushed from what my sister had said.

"NOONA!" I scolded.

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