Chapter 01

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"Alright! Let's do this!" I said to myself as I walked as fast as I can so that I wouldn't be late for work.

I lost my parents last 2 years ago. They died in a car accident. The truth is I was also in that accident and I was the only one who survived. I am currently living alone. My aunt at New Zealand offered me to live with them but I refused. So I am working so hard for me to survive my everyday life. In the morning, I work at a cafe. And at night, I work at the bar. Life is pretty hard but I need to be strong and life must go on.

"Hey Jen! Good timing!"

"Good Morning Taehyung! Whooaaa... You're pretty early today. Is this for real?"

"Well, I don't wanna be suspended from work so...."

Taehyung is my co worker at this cafe. He is the son of the owner and he was my classmate in highschool. His father let him work since he wants to discipline him. And he was always late and this was the very first time that he arrived at the cafe earlier than me. A new record precisely.

"Hey Tae, stop staring at the television for too long. The manager might scold you for that!" I scolded him

"Wait-wait! Isn't that your favorite dance troupe? You're a big fan of them, am I right?" He replied

"Yeah, but only a very big fan of a certain member to be exact." I said

"Oh yeah. I'm totally aware of that!" He replied

"Yeah" I laughed

SOKOR Dance Troupe, simply called as SOKOR, they are a phenomenal dance group all over Asia these days. And there is a certain member that I really like... Lisa.

Lisa is the most famous member of the group. Boys and Girls are totally head over heels on her. She was the very first one that caught my attention. When she dances, I tell you, your world suddenly stops and you will feel suffocated. 

I'm not exaggerating but it's true. At first I became a fan, but as time passes by, it grew more that I really like her a lot. She is my inspiration. She is the reason why I go on with my life and also why I stayed and did not live with my aunt. I just hope that someday she would be able to know me, even though I know that it's impossible.

" You have work at the bar right?" Taehyung asked

"Yeah. But only until 11" I replied

"Okay. Be careful alright? You have to watch out for your health since you're working like all the time."

"Sure Tae. Thanks! Gotta go. Seeya!"

I was on my way at the apartment to change my clothes since the bar where I am working is just a few blocks away from my apartment. The bar where I work is also sometimes where Lisa and her members chill out and yet I haven't tried serving them even once. Some of my lucky coworkers already saw them up close. Also, I've never attended their fan meetings since I have no enough money. Fan girl problems I guess.

"Jennie! After you finished your work please come to my office" My manager said

"Yes sir." I answered

After a few moments, I entered my manager's office.

My manager is Taehyung's close cousin and that's why I also got the job. Taehyung really helped me a lot and I guess I consider him as my boy bestfriend. And, before the misunderstanding, he is in a relationship by the way.

"Jen, Taehyung told me that you've worked almost everyday at the cafe. So I'm letting you go home at 10 for you to rest. Got it?"

"But manager-"

"No more buts Jennie. You only have an hour left okay? Don't worry, You won't have salary deductions."

"Oh. Thanks manager-nim! I'll be leaving now."

I've got to leave early, thanks to Taehyung who convinced his cousin about it.

So now I am on my way home, I was walking alone, and suddenly, I felt that someone behind was following me. I tried to look behind and I saw a man, wearing all black with a cap, When I caught him looking at me, he tried to look somewhere. I tried not to be scared and continued walking.

Well, I am almost near my apartment but... why???

Why do I feel so... dizzy??? Am I going to faint because I overworked again?

Damn it! Not now...

I need... to... go... home...


I've heard a girl's voice but I already closed my eyes. 

And everything went black.

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