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A few weeks ago, we had our Annual Anniversary of our YGENT Family Concert. It has already been a year. A lot of things happened back then. I still can remember everything so clearly. We all had fun celebrating despite of missing someone in our celebration.

Right now, I am currently preparing myself for an occasion. I was wearing my black dress and I let out a loud sigh.

"Yaaahh! Chaeyoung-a! We're getting late! Jennie's already there! She's waiting for us!"

"Alright! I'm coming!"

"Aigoo, what took you so long?!"

"I'm just preparing myself. You look great in black, unnie."

"I know. Let's go?"


Jisoo unnie and I both entered inside her car and she started driving off. We were both so quiet until she decided to talk about something.

"It's been a year. Time flies so fast." she said

"Yeah unnie. You're right."

"The annual anniversary last time was really fun, don't you think?"

"Yes it is! It was amazing! I had so much fun!"

"Well, even Jennie had her smiles at those moments. But I know she was just trying to enjoy it"

"Trying to... Yeah... she really did." and we became quiet.

"Actually,,, Damn it! I hate to admit this but... I'm also missing her..." she added

"Me too unnie, me too."

"Aigoo... So we will be seeing her again, huh? I'll try to hold back my tears on it." and I laughed softly

"Yeah. I can't wait to see her again.."

"Me too."


We both arrived at the cemetery. Jennie was already there sitting on the grass. She was wearing a black shirt and a black jeans. It was so unusual to see her in that style.

"Unnie! Sorry for taking so long!" said Chaeng

"Chaeyoung! Jisoo! Thank God you're here."

"Aigoo. Sorry 'bout that. Chaeng took so long to prepare."

"Don't worry about it." she said smiling

"So, you've been here talking alone, I guess?"

"As expected from Jennie. She really loves talking alone at places like this."

"So it has been exactly a year today. Am I right?"

"Yeah." Jennie answered and we become silent


"What took them so long?" asked Jisoo

"Ohh! There they are!" said Chaeyoung

"Pretty Unnie!!!"

"Minyoungie!" and we both hugged each other

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