Chapter 12

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"Great! Thank you so much unnie!"

"Sure Lis, goodluck!"

Jisoo told me that Jennie will be attending the fanmeeting. Amazing! Now, I've got the chance to see her upclose. I won't definitely waste this chance.

One hour before our fanmeeting, Jisoo arrived earlier for us to talk.

"Hey, Jendeukie is on her way. And also, I've already told the staff about your request"

"Okay, thanks unnie!"

"Heeeyyy!!!" someone called us

"Whoaa. Guys! It's been a while!" Jisoo said

"This was the very first time that Jisoo went to our fanmeeting, am I right?" Hoseok said

"Yeaahh, Now I wonder why..." Seulgi added

"Wait... Is she coming???!!" Momo asked ehich everyone looked shocked and they all looked at me.

"Whoa, whoa! Finally! We'll be able to see her!" Jong-in said

"Uhmmm guys???" I said

"What???" Seugi asked

I looked at Jisoo unnie and she nodded. She excused herself and left us since she whispered to me that Jennie has already arrived.

"Did you guys remembered the staff that served us at the bar? At Taeyang oppa's birthday to be exact.."

"Of course! She was really pretty." Hoseok answered

"Hey Lisa, you still haven't apologized, haven't you?" Momo asked

"Well... that girl... was her."

Their mouth all opened up so wide that it made me laugh at them.

"So... you're saying that, the staff who served us, was your Jennie?" Taeyang asked

"Yeah... but hey... Oppa!"

"What now, Lisa?"

"Don't take her, she's mine"

Everyone laughed at my statement. They all teased me until someone called us because the fanmeeting was about to start. Now I am getting nervous. And this is the very first time that I felt nervous for our fanmeeting.

The six of us went to the stage and gave everyone a huge smile. We went to our seats. I made I request on our seating arrangement so that I would be the last person that she'll meet, and I also asked Jisoo unnie another request that Jennie will be the last one to greet us. I planned to gave her my brightest smile and I would like to talk to her. Man, I'm getting excited!

The fanmeeting has started. We are greeting our fans with our smiles and we're so happy to meet them. The fans are giving us their love and support so we want to return it back to them. Well, it's give and take.

From time to time, I was glancing at Jennie. I saw her one time shaking her hands and she breathes out heavily. I tried not to laugh because she was so damn cute. And finally, it was her turn to greet us.

I tried not to be nervous but my hands are already shaking.

"Hey, relax. You can do it" I heard Taeyang whispered at me as he tapped my shoulder.

Well, thanks to his advice, I was able to calm myself before she arrives at me. I tried to sneak a peek at her greeting my fellow members. I saw how my members were smiling brightly at her. Man, I hate how they are being so obvious... And Jennie arrived in front of Taeyang. I continued to sign the poster of a fan before her so that I would not get distracted.

"Hey. You look so familiar"

I was shocked as I heard what Taeyang told her. I looked at Taeyang and I saw that he slightly smirked at me.

"Oh. You must be mistaken. This is the very first fanmeeting that I attended." she answered Taeyang

Oh... I like how my girl is being savage right now...

"Oh sorry. But thanks miss. You're pretty by the way"

Damn this freaking Taeyang! I know he is doing it on purpose. Screw him!

"Thank you" I heard Jennie answered him.

And now, Jennie is coming in front of me. Taeyang held me her poster so I immediately grabbed and signed it. I have to keep cool. You can do it Lisa! Act normal. Just think that she's is a normal fan.

I finished signing the poster and I felt her presence right in front of me so I looked up at her.

"Hey. I-I'm a big fan" she said while smiling at me

Oh shit! For God's sake, her smile is killing me! I need to calm down... Act normal. Act normal, Lisa!

"Oh really? Thanks!" I answered as I look straight into her eyes and gave her my brightest smile.

She bowed down and went down the stage quickly.

Wait? Is that it? I was... I still want her to stay... I still wanna talk to... Wait! She dropped something!

I stood up and took it. It was a paper and... it has my name on it? Hold up! Is this a letter? For me??? Wow! Did she made a letter for me! Damn it! I cannot hide my happiness! I'm smiling like an idiot right now! I kept the letter in my pocket and decided to read it later.

The fanmeeting ended. I saw her with Jisoo unnie and they were hugging each other. Jisoo unnie saw me and she gave me a thumbs up which made me smile back at her and waved my goodbye.

"Hey, Lisa! That's enough" Taeyang scolded

"Waaaaiiit! I still wanna... have some! Give it.. bacck!"

"You're drunk, Lisa. Stop it!" Hoseok added

"Alright! Seulgi and I will take her to her condominium." Jong-in suggested

"Good idea. Take care of her." Taeyang said

I read Jennie's letter as soon as we've arrived at the company. That was the best fan letter that I've ever received. It was simple yet so heartwarming. Maybe because it was from her. I was getting guilty for what I did to her before. Everything was coming back at me, that's why I decided to loosen up a bit, by drinking too much. The only thing I remembered was drinking at the bar together with my fellow members. I kept on drinking until I passed out, I guess...

And all I can remember is having this beautiful dream. I woke up laying somewhere, and Jennie was right in front of me. I cannot speak since I was trying to hold back my tears as I look into her eyes.

"You need to sleep." she said to me which made me smile

"I don't want to" I answered

Yes. I really don't want to. This is the best feeling ever. Having her next to me. She held my hand. Damn, I can still feel it. And I suddenly closed my eyes.

"If only this wasn't a dream, this would've been the best night of my life."

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