Chapter 35

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"Lisa, Please go out with me."

I was standing in the middle of the cafeteria while looking at the person whom I liked for so long, Lisa.

"I'm sorry but... NO. I don't like you"

I can never ever forget that day. The day that I finally had the courage to confess my feelings for her. I called her name but she wasn't facing me. Then I told her to go out with me. But what she said was truly unbelievable. She rejected me immediately in front of many students at the cafeteria. I was hurt. I ran away after I heard her answer.

Just you wait and see, Lisa Manoban. Because one day, I'll have my revenge on you.

"Yaaaahhhhh! Jennie-yah! Are you still there?"

"Ohhh! Jisoo! I'm sorry. I just spaced out for a while."

"Aigoo. You need to stop it so you could concentrate on your work.."

"Haha! I know. Gonna call you again later. Bye!"

"Alright. Bye."

It's been around 4 years since I came back here in New Zealand. After I graduated from High School, I came back here right away. It's a good thing so that I could forget my painful past in Korea and I can start my new life in here. My parents are always traveling overseas since our businesses are starting to expand.

They also wanted me to be in-charge of our company here but I declined it since I don't wanna stress myself at work. But after a year, I accepted my parent's offer since I've decided to make my life better than usual and also, our company is also getting offers from Korea, so this could be a chance for me to let Lisa know about this and I could tell this to her one day...

"Hi. Ako nga pala yung sinayang mo noon..."

Got that from the internet though. I don't understand at first so I searched the meaning of it and I literally love it.

On the other hand, Jisoo is my bestfriend since high school. She knows everything about me. That's why even though we're apart for how many years already; our bond is still the same.

She was there when I confessed my feelings for Lisa. Actually she was the one who forced me to confess and she felt guilty after what she saw. Well, I never blamed Jisoo for it since I also decided to go for it myself. But despite of what happened, I'm still thankful to her.

"Ms. Jennie?"

"Yes. Come in" and my secretary went inside

"Your meeting tonight has been cancelled."

"Well yes. I'm aware of it. The company called me just now."

"Oh. Okay Ms. Jennie."

"Is that all?"

"Yes Ms. Jennie."

"Alright. Let's call it a day. Good work today"

"Thank you Ms. Jennie" and she left.

I've decided to stay in the office for a while. I've finished some of my works and I signed a ton of papers.

"Well I guess I should go then." I said to myself.

After work, I sometimes go at the bar of a good friend of mine. But when I arrived, Roseanne was not there. Well maybe she was busy. I had a few shots and I didn't drink too much since I'll be driving home alone. And when I realized that it's getting late, I've decided to go home.

I was driving my car and my phone kept ringing. I've decided not to answer it since I got lazy and I am almost near my apartment. Well, who would've expected that a daughter of a well-known company is currently living at an apartment? Well, that's a first and that's me.

I wanted to have my own privacy after work and I wanted to live on my own. That's why I convinced my parents about it. And thankfully, they both allowed me to do it. I just wanted to have a simple life, that's all. Simple, yet free.

I got off the car and went inside the apartment when suddenly my phone rang again.


"Yaaaahhh! Jennie-yah!"

"What now Jisoo?"

"Well... How's your day?"

"Same as usual."

"Of course it would be..." and we laughed

"I just got back to the apartment. I'm getting sleepy."

"You went to Roseanne's bar again?"

"Yeah but she wasn't there."

"Ohhh... Good! Cause if she's there then maybe you would've cursed at the woman who is so close to the person who broke your heart."

"Yaaahhhh Shut up! I don't wanna hear about that anymore. And besides, Roseanne and I are good friends. You know that right? But those two are best friends, and they also have a foreigner friend. I think they have, right?"

"Whoa! You still remember, eh?"

"Of course. After the confession, Roseanne and their foreigner friend went to me and they said sorry in behalf of that crazy bastard.."

"Ehhh??? The crazy bastard... Hmmm.. But that crazy bastard, you still like her. Right?"


"Aigoo Jennie-yah! I swear if Lisa would show up in front of you right now, you'll gonna eat back those words that you said."

"Haha! Dare me, Jisoo. I would never see that crazy bast...."

"H-Hey? Jennie?! What happened? You still there?"

"Hey Jen..."



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