Chapter 40

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"Damn... So I was caught..."

That voice. I clearly remembered it. And then, I suddenly smiled when I realized who it is.


"It's been a while Jennie."

"Wait... So it was you?" and he just smiled

Taehyung was my childhood friend until I left and studied in Korea. And when I came back, he was the one who fetched me at the airport. After a few months, he went to Korea for their family business so he's back here again.

"How's the chocolate that I gave you?"

"Well, as expected. You really know my taste."

"Haha! I'm glad you liked it."

So now, everything made sense. I guess the note was from him since Taehyung was my so called "Childhood Buddy". The initials were CB so it really was from him. I was surprised to know that my childhood friend likes me. And Taehyung isn't a bad person. He also makes me happy and its fun being with him.

"So, are you staying here again?"

"Well, yeah. My dad let me came back because I still have some unfinished business here."

"Oh that's great!" and we both smiled

"Hey Jen... Uhmm, can I ask you out on friday night? But if not then it's okay"

"Oh sure! I'm free anyway"

"Are you sure?!"

"Yeah. Just fetch me here at friday,"

"Cool! So, see you on friday."

"Alright. See you!"

Friday came and I was so excited for me and Taehyung to go out. We haven't done this for a long time already. And for Lisa, I've been thinking about it for a while... I let out a loud sigh and I prepared myself. But then, Jisoo called me.


"Hey Jennie!"

"Wanna hang out right now?"

"Ohh! Sorry Chu but I can't. Taehyung and I are going out tonight."

"What?! How about Lisa? I thought..."

"Chu, I'm done with it. I thought having revenge was an opportunity for me but the truth is, I am also hurting. I still like her. I really like her but she doesn't feel the same. That's why I'm giving up.

"But what if Lisa likes you now? I mean she's always at training but maybe, just maybe..."

"You know that's impossible, Jisoo. I think I am giving up on having my revenge because honestly, I am not good at this kind of thing. And since still like her, I don't wanna force myself onto her. I mean, I want her to fall for me not because I did something intentionally. I want her to like me because she personally fell for me. You know what I mean, right?"

"Yeah but... Are you sure about it Jennie?"

"Yes Jisoo. It's finally time for me to move on."

"Aigoo... Alright! But be sure not to regret things in the future, okay?"

"And why would you think that I'll regret this?"

"I know you Jennie. Just like what happened when you confessed to Lisa. You regret it a lot that it took you so long to get over it."

"Oh. Don't worry about it. This time, I won't regret it."

"You sure?"


"As long as you're happy, then I'm fine with it."

"Aigoo! Thanks a lot Jisoo! Gonna go now, Taehyung's here."

"Alright! Enjoy!"

I enjoyed spending my night with Taehyung. He never failed to make me laugh. So I've decided that if he'll confess to me, I'll accept it. I'll accept his confession. This will be better. Yes it is.

Now, it's time to face reality, Jennie. Lisa's never gonna love you.

Taehyung drove me to my apartment. He really took care of me for the rest of the night which made me feel at ease. And I kinda like it, I guess....

I entered my apartment and I saw Lisa sleeping on the couch. And again, I almost forgot that it's already Friday night. I passed by her and she woke up.

"You're home?" she asked


"You seemed to be late. Had a date?"

"I guess so."

"Oh cool." and she went back to sleep

Oh Great! What a conversation. 

I went upstairs and changed my clothes. I went back down to check if the door is locked. But then, she was still asleep on the couch.

I was getting confused if why she never went upstairs to the guestroom to rest. So I went near her and I saw that she's sweating.

"Damn Lisa! You're burning up!" I said as I touched her forehead.

I quickly went to my room to get my first aid kit. Again with this crazy bastard, she's not even telling me that she's not feeling well. Aisshh!

I immediately took care of her which I didn't mind about. I saw how she was resting so peacefully. I slowly caressed her face and she opened her eyes. We both stared at each other for a moment.

"I've been waiting for you."

"Why didn't you tell me that you're not feeling well?"

"Well, because...."

"You're such a fool!"

"I know... But hey, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I'm... I'm going back home tomorrow."


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