Chapter 14

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Days have passed since Lisa and I talked with each other. It took us the whole day that when Jisoo and Chaeyoung returned, we were not yet done talking with each other. The good thing is that after we had our drama, Lisa changed the topic and she told me a lot of funny stories which made me lighten up. Jisoo and Chaeyoung brought us dinner and the four of us had our happy time.

I was still hospitalized until now because Lisa insisted Dr. Kim. She is still hoping that there would be a chance for me to recover and she said that she would do anything and she would pay for everything just for me to recover. I really don't want her to do this but she is so stubborn that she gets angry at me if I do not agree so she left me with no choice.

Lisa visits me everyday despite her busy schedules. She never fails to surprise me with her gifts everytime she visits me. I did not expect her to be this sweet. Damn... now I am getting more scared.

Right now, Jisoo called me that she and Chaeyoung will be having a date and she will be visit me tomorrow. How nice...

Good thing is that Lisa doesn't have a schedule today so she will be with me the whole day. I am loving this.

"Hey! Let's do it!"

"Do what?" she asked

"The one that you guys played at the bar."

"Ohh! Sure. But, who's gonna be the IT?"

"Both of us, of course! And I will be the first one. Is it okay?"

"Sure! I like it."

Lisa didn't know that I already prepared the categories. These are some things that I wanna know about her, and I'm gled that she agreed. I took out the papers and placed it in front of me. I was siiting at the bed and Lisa stood up because she was sitting at the chair beside me and she sat in front of me. I'm currently choosing the paper and I glanced at her. She was intensely looking at me while smiling. Damn... I cannot stop loving her...

And so, I picked one and open it.

"Ohh! I picked WANTS!"

"Oh! So you made your own categories, huh?"

"Yeah. Should I not have added some?"

"Oh no no no, you did great honey!"

Wait. Did she just called me honey? Did she just....

(A/N: INSERT SONG: HONEY by KEHLANI. I'm kidding!)

"So... tell me about your wants" she added.

"Well... I have a lot. I... want to become an artist someday."

"Ohhhh... Really? That a news for me!" she said smiling

"And... I want to have a very happy life..."


"And... I want to be... with the person I love the most"

My statement made her smile so bright and she held my hand.


"And... I wanted to have dates...and long nights with that person. Also... I wanted to travel on different places... and have that person introduced to my parents... And lastly..."


And before I said my next statement, tears are already falling from my eyes...

"i wanted the both of us to talk about... our wedding... family... our dream house... our future together... as we... grow old together..."

"How nice. I'm sure that the person you love would really love that" she said as she also tears up.

"Okay! Now... it's your turn." I told her as I wipe my tears and let out a smile.

"Alright!" she answered as she picked one and opened it.

"Things that I am Scared of... Wait...What? Really?" she said as I laugh because of her reaction

"Yessss..." I answered laughing

"Okay... I have something that I am really afraid of ever since I was a child..."

"And that is?"

"I'm afraid of ghost..."

".......That's it?" I asked

"Oh and one more thing! Right now, I'm getting scared of something and this is really very serious for me..." she said as she became serious.

There was a long pause and she looked at me.

"I am scared of loosing the one I love."


After I answered her, we both became quiet for a long time. I can see that she was trying not to cry so I held her hand even tighter and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"I am scared of loosing her, that's why I will do everything just for her not to leave me."

"Yeah... I think she knows that already" she said and finally she smiled

"Wait...why are we even making this like we are talking about another person when we both meant each other?" I said which made the both of us laugh

"So...You have a schedule tomorrow?" she asked

"Yeah. We will be guesting in a show tomorrow. You'll gonna watch it right?"

"Of course! How can I miss it?" she answered

All the time I was holding her hand. We both looked at each other and she showed me her gummy smile. I can't help but to smile back at her. I caressed her face and looked at her lovingly. This was a perfect moment so I didn't waste it. I closed my eyes and felt her lips touching mine.

This is it! This is the moment that I was waiting for. I opened my eyes and I saw her trying not to cry.

I hugged her so tight. I don't wanna miss this moment so I whispered something at her.What I said to her made her cry even harder...

"I love you so much, Jennie. And I always will..."

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