Chapter 13

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(I know this is an OST of a certain kdrama. But when I listen to this, this adds feels when I am reading. You can play this if you like, and play it on repeat until the end of chapter)

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I've heard a scream which woke me up. Wait a minute, why am I at my condominium? And not to mention, at my guestroom? Wait! What happened last night? I remember drinking with my members but... Oh, no! Oh no...

"YAAAAHHH! Lisaaa!!!!"

"Unnie! What happened?"

"EHHH?? You're asking me? I should be the one asking you that! What the hell are you doing here!"

"I don't... wait. Is it because, it is MY condominium?"

"Well, yeah. But hey! That's not the point right here! Jennie was here last night."

"Whaaaat?! Jennie's here?! Are you serious?"

"Yeah! I left her here alone since I had a family gathering. And what on earth did happened between you two last night huh?"

Shit! Jennie was here last night? What the hell did I do? I hope I did not scream again at her, eh? Damn it! I can't remember anything!

"Unnie! Did you asked her about what happened?"

"Well, she doesn't respond to me right now. But I'll try to ask when we see each other."

"Thanks again unnie... Damn it!"

"I just hope you didn't do anything, Lisa."

"I hope so too unnie. I hope so."

Few days have passed. Jisoo told me that she and Taehyung will meet Jennie today. I am still hoping that I did not do something weird at her. Few hours have passed and still, Jisoo unnie still hasn't texted me yet.

It was getting late. I texted Jisoo unnie many times but she doesn't respond. I tried to call her but she doesn't answer. Now I am getting worried.

Since I waited for the whole day and yet nothing happened, I decided to go to sleep. And when I was about to close my eyes, I heard my phone vibrating. I quickly took my phone and saw Jisoo unnie calling me.

"Unnie!!! I was waiting the whole day but you... Unnie??? Are you crying?"

I was so shocked when I heard Jisoo unnie crying. She was the type of person that doesn't cry so easily. Well yeah, she was our ice hearted Jichu.

"Unnie? Hey! What happened?"

"Lisa? I need to tell you something. Please listen to every single detail, okay?"

Jisoo started to tell me a story. I was silently listening as my tears are starting to fall from my eyes. She was also trying her best not to cry while telling me the story. And after that, she told me everything that happened for the rest of the day and why she haven't answered my calls. I was speechless. I can't stop myself from crying. Then after a few moments, I heard someone opened the door.


Jisoo went and hugged me tight. My chest hurts so much. Why is this happening to me?

Jisoo unnie tried to talk to me. She cheered me up a little bit. And I was impressed since I also know that she's hurting but despite that, she is trying to be strong. So I've decided to become strong, for Jennie.

"Hey. I think maybe we should do it" she said

"Really? You think so?" I replied.

"Yeah. She would love it" she answered

At last, the right time is finally coming.

"And that's it. The end."

"That's it? I think you missed something"

"I don't think so... What do you think did I missed?"

"Well, about how they both meet at last."


I still can't believe it. Everything felt like a story from a novel. I can't believe that the love of my life, also loves me back. And not to mention, she even loved me first. I can't stop staring at her. I am really very happy right now. All was perfect. It was exactly as I wanted it to be.

"I am really happy right now" she said

"Me too. Thank you." I replied then suddenly tears fell from my eyes

She kissed my forehead and held my hand.

"If only I stayed with you till the morning you woke up, I could have spend more time with you. I wouldn't even have cared if I will lose my career."

"Hey! Don't be like that! I really am thankful that you ended up making that decision because it was for the best. And besides, I don't want you to stop your career just because of me. I want you to continue it, and I love watching you dancing while giving out your brightest smile."

"But...why is everything like this?."

We both shed a tear from our eyes. I also thought the same. Why is everything like this? Why is it so complicated? We both just wanna be together. Why can't we?

"Okay, let's stop crying, okay?" I said

"I really wanted to be with you, Jennie. Only if I did knew you before, only if I had not become a dancer..."

"Hey! If you didn't become a dancer, I wouldn't have seen you and became your fan. So don't say that. I was already thankful that I came to see you at that time and right now, you are here with me."

We both became quiet again for a while...

"So... is it really impossible?" she asked

"That's what Jisoo told me earlier... because I stopped my treatment for two years.."

She looked down and let out a big sigh

"It's really funny how we just met each other for the first time, I mean like, this is the first and only time I got to spend with you without those complications and stuff. And right now.... I just wish we could have more time together."

"Yeah. Me too."

"I...I wish that... you would stay a little longer, Jennie." and she cried harder

"I'm really very sorry Lisa... I'm sorry..."

We both didn't stopped crying. I hugged her and she cried so much. I was trying not to cry so much but I failed. We are both hurting so much. This fucking hurts.

Why is our story like this? We could have a better story than this. This wasn't it. This should be perfect. We should be together for a long time. I should be there to support her all the time. We should have our dates and sweet nights together. We should be travelling to different places, having our own little world. She should be with me when I visit my parents while I introduce her to them. And lastly, we should have been talking about our future... about getting married and growing old together...

But why...

Why is it impossible?

Just... why???

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