Chapter 31

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We already arrived but Lisa still hasn't told me the reason why we came here. During our flight, I keep on asking her but she was ignoring me. I did all the aegyos and stuff and this was the very first time that it has no effect on her.

"Babe? I am really doing my best not to get pissed right now. Please tell me!"

"Baby. Just trust me on this. Okay?" she said and I pouted my lips which made her laugh.

She grabbed my hands and she kissed it. Oh well, she really knows how to calm me down. I trust my Lisa so much, so there's nothing for me to worry about.

We both walked towards a car and she told me that she rented it. We both went inside and drove off.

I also love traveling in different countries with her because we can both go out freely. Honestly, we can also do this in Korea since we almost have everyone's support. But we both wanted to be private since we don't want many issues around us. And it really feels amazing to have your relationship kept privately yet preciously.

Lisa was driving when I suddenly cupped her face and kissed her cheeks many times. She smiled and she told me that she can't give back my kisses at the moment since she's driving. I still kissed her and I hugged her so tight. She leaned her head towards mine and she gave me a quick kiss on my forehead.

The road became so free and we can see the ocean's view. She suddenly grabbed my hand and she kissed it multiple times.

"I missed this... I missed you so much baby." She said

"Me too...."

"I'm sorry for making you worry. And thanks for trusting me."

"Well, how can I not trust you..."

"Thank you babe. I love you."

"I love you more Lisa"

"Eheee... I think I'm blushing!"

"Haha! You really are blushing babe! Aigoo! Let me add that one!" I said and I gave her kisses again

"Yaaaaahhh! Stop it! I'm driving!"

And suddenly, Lisa's phone was ringing

"Babe? Aren't you gonna answer that?"

"Hmm... Nope. I think I already fixed everything before leaving so no one can disturb us."

"Aigoo...Ohhh! Are we there yet? Where are we going anyway?"

"Just trust me, okay? We're near by the way"

We both arrived at a mansion which I never been before. Lisa went out of the car first and she opened the door for me. When I get out, she immediately placed her hands at my waist and we both entered the mansion. But we were both surprised that no one was inside. Then Lisa's phone rang again.

"Hello? Jisoo unnie?"

"Yaaaaaaahhhhh! I kept on calling you but you weren't answering! Also, this is an international line for Pete's sake!"

"I'm so sorry unnie. We were traveling so..."

"You both better go to the hospital, quick!"

"Ho...Hospital?!! Why?"


After I heard what Jisoo unnie told me, I quickly grabbed Jennie's hand and we both went inside the car.

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