Chapter 36

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Oh No... Jisoo's trying to talk about nonsense again.


"Aigoo Jennie-yah! I swear if Lisa would show up right in front of you right now, you'll gonna eat back those words that you said."

"Haha! Dare me, Jisoo. I would never see that crazy bast...." and I paused

I saw someone standing at my door. It was dark so I can't see the face.

"H-Hey? Jennie?! You still there?

"Hey Jen..."


I walk towards the door and I finally saw who it was...


The girl standing right in front of me was just smiling at me. Is this still an effect of the alcohol a while ago? Shit! I'm currently having mixed emotions right now.


She left her bags at the door and she went towards me. She still has her smile on her face.

"Well, it's been a long time Jennie Kim. Missed me?"


I felt my phone vibrated at my hands and I saw that Jisoo was still on the line. Oh Fuck.

"Oh! J-Jisoo? You still there?"

"HAHAHA! What the heck?! Am I listening to a radio drama?! HAHA! This is so funny! I can't..."

"YAAAAHHH! I'll call again soon" and I ended the call.

I was trying to be strong but damn it! Seeing her face makes me remember everything. I was trying to hold my anger and tears so I acted tough. I passed by her and I opened my door and I let her in. She must be thankful 'cause I'm a kind-hearted person. Tss....

"I really don't believe what's happening right now. Can somebody tell me that I'm dreaming?!" I said which made her laugh

But well, It's been a long time since I heard her laugh... Oh no! This is not good... This is not good!

"Okay so... what brings you here?" I asked while raising my eyebrow

"Well, I was about to stay with Roseanne but she said that she's not there and she told me that she has a friend who's living here in New Zealand. So she texted me the address and that's how I got here."

Wow Roseanne! I'll kill you when I see you! I swear!

"Damn it..."

"I didn't know it was you."

"Ohh really??" I asked sarcastically

She didn't respond. She stood up and took her bags.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you. I think I should probably go."

"And where will you be staying?"

"I..Uhh.. I don't know. I'll find a place. I guess..."

"Stay here."

Wait.. WHY DID I EVEN SAID THAT??!! Shit...

"Whoa... You're letting me stay?!" she asked smiling

"Of course not! GET OUT!"

"Hold on. Jennie Kim, the Corporate Manager of Kim Management Inc. is not true to her words? Oh well..."

"Damn you!" I said as I took the guestroom key inside my pocket and threw it to her.

She laughed and she carried her things inside the guestroom. I went to the kitchen to see if there's still something I can make since I'm getting hungry.

Is this really happening? No! It's impossible! Lisa can't be here. I know I'm just dreaming. Right! I'll just go with it since this is all just a dream... Yes Jennie! This is a dream.

"Hey! You need help?" she asked

"No. I'm good"

"Are you sure? I insist."

"Just leave me be. Okay?"

"Alright. Just call me if you need help"

I was checking the fridge and good thing there's still something I can make. Should I make something for her too? Oh no! I won't.

I was looking up the cabinet and I tried to reach something but I couldn't. I took the chair and I stood on it. I was about to go down when suddenly I lost balance and fell. But then, someone was able to catch me.

Lisa was hugging me. Her body was so close to me. We stayed like that for a moment. My mind went blank as we both stared at each other. I was shaking as I felt nervous. She slowly caressed my hair in order for me to calm down. And then, she held both of my shoulders and she looked at me worriedly.

"Are you okay? You should be careful."

I quickly pushed her and I went to my room, leaving her at the kitchen. I held my chest because my heart was beating so fast. Damn it, Why?!

After all those years, I wanted to have my revenge on her. But when I saw her face, everything went back. My feelings for her just came back. The anger was changed into pain which made my chest also felt heavy. I tried so hard to deny it but I know to myself that I've missed her, that I still like her after all this time.

This is just a dream, right? But why does it feel so real?

Damn it, Lisa!

Why are you doing this to me?

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