Chapter 24

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It's been several months since Lisa and I both met at the practice room. We both became so close after that. I introduced her to Jisoo and Chaeyoung who were dying to meet her. Those two really wanted to have a foreigner friend, and so do I. She was always assigned at the company record section so when I have my free time, I always visit her.

Good thing is that she's not a guy though, it would've turn into dating rumors if she is.

I arrived and I saw her writing something. I decided to scare her since I was behind her and she was so busy.

"Lalisa" I whispered

"Yaaaaaahh! You surprised me!" she said which made me laugh

"What are you doing?"

"I.. Uhmm.... This is nothing." She said as she kept it.

"Ehh? Won't you tell me about it?" I looked at her while pouting my lips

"Haha! I'm sorry but not now, okay? But you'll be the first one to see this. I promise."

"Really? I'll be expecting that."

"Alright. So..."

"Shall we go? Chu and Chaeng are waiting for us."

"Sure. Let's go."

We both arrived at the cafeteria and we saw Jisoo and Chaeyoung already waiting for us. Jisoo saw us and she waved her hand. They are both sitting across each other so I sat beside Jisoo and Lisa sat beside Chaeyoung. We talked about a lot of things until Lisa decided to take her leave since she still has things to do. And so, the three of us were left.

"Yaaaaahh! Kim Jennie!"

"What now, Kim Jisoo?"

"I noticed how the way you look at Lisa a while ago" she said and she smirked

"I noticed that one too!" Chaeyoung agreed

"Hey! You two are crazy. I was only looking at her because she was the one who keeps on talking" I answered them

"That's not the point, young lady! I can really feel something while looking at you two. It was like your eyes are sparkling while looking at her."

"Me too! I can also see that!"

"Yaaaahhh Park Chaeyoung? Don't you have anything else to say besides agreeing on me?"

"Well, It's just because what you're saying is true! And besides, you must be thankful because I agree with you."

"Ohh. You're right! Haha!"

"You know what guys? I should go. I still have practice." I said interrupting them

"Alright! Good luck with your practice on... HOWTOKEEPYOURFEELINGSFORLISA" Jisoo said so fast which made Chaeyoung laugh so hard because she heard it

"Yaaaahhh! Shut up! I heard that." I said and I left

But... I was smiling...


It was late afternoon when my practice ended. I saw Lisa approaching me.

"Hey Nini!"

"Hey! Uhmm... Nini???"

"Uhmmm... It's cute. Can I call you that?"

"Oh well, suit yourself! So, shall we go?"

"Uhmmm... I'm sorry but I need to go somewhere right now."

"Ohh. Is that so? Well, okay. Let's just go there tomorrow."

"Really? Thanks Nini! I'll buy you milk ice cream tomorrow! I promise!"

"You promise?"

"Of course! See you!"

Lisa and I both always go at the park near our company building before going home. We both just sit there and talk about random things. And sometimes, she buys me my favorite milk ice cream. She really knows that I love it so much.

But after that day, I never saw her.

It has already been three days but she never showed up at the company building. I tried to ask some of the staff if they saw her but no one did. I tried to call and text her but she was not answering. I was already getting worried since I know that she was living alone. So I decided to visit her at her apartment. Good thing is that I am close with one of the staff of our company who holds the records of the interns. And that's how I get her apartment address.

I arrived at her apartment and I rang the doorbell.

After a few seconds, someone opened it.

"Jennie??? What are you doing here?"


I was sitting at my couch when someone suddenly rang the doorbell. I was confused since no one knows my address. I opened it and I was surprised.

"Jennie??? What are you doing here?"

She was glaring at me. Damn! I think if eyes could really kill a person, I'm already dead by now.

"Yaaaaaahh!!! Lalisa freaking Manoban! What the heck happened?! You never went to the company for three days straight! You never even answered my calls and texts! I was so worried!"

I smiled. There are a lot of things that bothers me right now, but seeing her right now makes it all go away.

She keeps on ranting so I decided to...


"You better tell me about it... Yaaaaahhh! Stop hugging me, Lalisa! Yaaaaaahhh!"

Lisa hugged me. I was telling her to let go but she didn't. I looked at her and saw her expression. I stopped and I realized that there must be something wrong.

"Hey... Is there something wrong?"

She shook her head. But I know that there is something behind this hug.

"You don't wanna talk about it?" I asked her

"Will you... listen to it?" she said as she looks at me

"Of course I will!"

"Alright. Let's take a seat first." she said and she let out a heavy sigh

And so, Lisa told me about what happened...





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