Chapter 19

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Yesterday morning, it was the day before Lisa's booksigning event. I just got inside the company and I was on my way to the practice room. Suddenly, I saw a little girl outside the building and she looks like she's insisting to go inside but the guard won't let her in. I saw how the little girl was desperate to go inside so I went towards them.

"I wanna see her! Please let me see her!"

"I'm so sorry kid. But you cannot enter the building. Where are your parents? Are you lost?" the guard asked her

"No, I'm not! I wanna see her! Let me see her!"

I heard their conversation. The little girl saw me and she ran towards me.

"Pretty Unnie! The guard won't let me in!" she said

"Good Morning Miss Jennie. I'm sorry about the child" the guard apologized

"Don't worry about it. And I'll take care of her. Let's go pretty girl."

The little girl smiled at me as she held my hand and we went inside the building. I brought her to the practice room. Good thing is that no one was there.

"Hey? Can I ask your name?" I asked her

"I'm Minyoung. I am seven years old."

"Nice to meet you Minyoung! I'm Jennie unnie."

"Nice to meet you too, pretty unnie."

"You can call me Jennie unnie."

" I will just call you pretty unnie because you're so pretty and nice!." She said smiling at me

"Well, if you insist. But, why are you here? And why are you alone?"

"I wanted to see Lisa-unnie. My dad said that he is a very big fan. And right now, he is in the hospital. So I want him to meet Lisa-unnie."

"Really? Is your dad sick?"

"Yes. He is sick. So that's why I wanted him to meet Lisa unnie. His only wish is to meet Lisa-unnie"

"What? But why? I mean, where is your mom?"

"My dad said that mom died giving birth to me so he raised me alone. I was happy because dad is always with me, But a few months ago, he was...I think they called it diagnosed... with something. I'm sorry unnie because I cannot remember. So that's why he is sick and he is currently in the hospital."

I can't believe that this little girl is only seven years old. Also, my eyes started to get watery as Minyoung continues her story.

"Before my father will leave me, I want to grant his wish, pretty unnie." She said as she started to cry

"He was there for me all the time. Even though he's sick, he never left me. I want to make him happy even just this once unnie." She continued

I hugged her tight and I tried to control my tears.

"Hey! Your father won't leave you, okay? And you should stop crying because Jennie unnie will help you on that. Don't worry." I told her as I wiped her tears

"Really unnie?! You will help me see Lisa-unnie?"

"Of course! Not only you, but also your dad! I will let your dad meet Lisa unnie."

"Really unnie? Thank you so much!" she said as she kissed me on the cheek.

"Alright so stop crying, okay?"

"Okay unnie!"

"Alright! So, unnie will be practicing for a little while. And after this, I will go with you to the hospital. So sit there and wait for me, Okay?"

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