Chapter 32

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Lisa took her hands off my eyes. I slowly opened them and I was shocked. The mansion's backyard was actually at the cliff so you can see the view of the ocean. It was dark since it was already night time but I am pretty sure that the view is amazing at sunrise and sunset. Lisa knows how much I love beaches and oceans so much.

"Baby! This is amazing!"

"I know right? But that's not it."

"Wait, there's more?!"

"Come. Follow me"

I held my girlfriend's hand and we both went at the corner. There was a stairs going down and she went down first. She carefully assisted me while holding my hand.

Again, I was more shocked with what I saw. We were both at the shore. The view is so mesmerizing and breathtaking.

"Is this part of the mansion?"

"Well, Yes. This is a private property which also belongs to the mansion."

"Really?! Baby! I really love it here!"

"I know you would."

We both sat on the sand. I leaned towards her and she started backhugging me.

"So, mind if I tell you a story?"

"Ohh... I've been waiting for that..."


(Few Months Ago after Fanmeeting at Australia )

"Manager Oppa. Please prepare my things. I'll be flying to New Zealand." I said

"Ehh? I thought your event lasts for three days?"

"No. My event is only today. I'll be going to New Zealand and I'll be there until tomorrow. And my last day would be going back Korea since it's a really long flight. I already asked CEO Yang and he already allowed me."

"And why are you going to New Zealand?"

"Well, I am planning to surprise my Nini for her birthday. I'm going to meet her mom."

"Whoa! For real?!"

"Yeah. And I'm so nervous. This would be the first time I'm meeting her Mom in person"

"So that means you still haven't met her mom?"

"Well I have but only on a video call. Jennie called her right after we both became a couple and she told her about us."

"So, did her Mom immediately gave her permission?"

"I'm not sure about it. Jennie only told me not to worry about it."

"Is that so? Hmm. When are you leaving?"

"Uhmm.. Oh! Right now. Let's go manager oppa!"

"Hey wait! Does Jennie knows about this?"

"No. It's a surprise, remember?"

"And, am I going with you?"

"Well, yes. You need to. Cause I need some assistance."

"Oh. Alright."

Hours have passed and we both arrived in New Zealand. I asked Jisoo unnie's help for the address of Jennie's home since Jisoo and Jennie's moms are very good friends.

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