Chapter 06

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At last, Fanmeeting day. I was getting nervous. Jisoo also went with me but she told me that she won't go with me later at the stage. And now I'm more getting nervous.

The fanmeeting has started. The members are right in front of our eyes. The seating arrangement was from Jong-in, Momo, Hoseok, Seulgi, Taeyang, and lastly, Lisa. The group greeted the fans with their warmest smiles, and I honestly love to see Lisa's smile.

It is now time to meet them. And It's getting nerve cracking. Jisoo told me that I was the last person to climb up since that was what she instructed at the staff. Wow, Jisoo really is the daughter of the CEO. And that is also the reason why it is nerve cracking. I will be the very last person to meet all of them, but it is weird since I've already met them.

And now, It was my turn. Jong-in gave me his bright smile. Well, that was the very first time I saw his brightest smile so I smiled back. Other members also did the same so I smiled back at them. When it was Taeyang's turn, I tried to look at Lisa and she was busy signing a poster.

"Hey. You look so familiar"

I was shocked at Taeyang's statement. Maybe he did recognize me?

"Oh. You must be mistaken. This is the very first fanmeeting that I attended."

"Oh sorry. But thanks miss. You're pretty by the way"

Is this Taeyang guy really this flirty?

"Thank you" I said to him and bowed.

Finally, my last stop.

I arrived at her front. She was signing my poster, then she looked up at me.

"Hey. I-I'm a big fan" I said while smiling

"Oh really? Thanks!" she smiled as she looks me in my eyes.

This is it. This was the very first time that Lisa looked at me while she shows her brightest smile. I really loved it.

I bowed down and went down. I hurriedly went to Jisoo and smiled like an idiot.

"So? How was it? Did you gave it to her?"


"I... damn it!"

"Hey! Don't tell me you did not..."

"Yeah, I forgot to give her..."

"WOW! Really Jennie?!" she facepalmed

I tried to check my pocket since I placed it there and... wait... it's gone.

"It's not... here"

"I never expected my bestfriend to be so reckless and clumsy" she laughed

"I'm really sorry Jisoo, I know you really made an effort for this and I just wasted it. But it's okay since the letter doesn't have my name on it, so maybe today is not the right time for it. And thank you so much. I really appreciated it" I said to Jisoo as I hugged her.

"Alright, alright! Aigoo!"

"Thank you Jisoo, because of you, I get to see her so close to me, while looking at my eyes as she shows me her brightest smile. And this was indeed the best day of my life."

"You'll gonna be okay here?"

"Yeah of course! Thanks by the way!"

"Okay, if there's any problem, you call me right away okay?"

Jisoo left me at her condominium. She let me stay here since I wasn't feeling well after we both talked at the fanmeeting. She was going to their mansion since they have another family gathering and she will be back the next day. She let me stayed at her guestroom where she let me used at the first time we met.

It was around 11pm in the evening. I was about to sleep when suddenly, someone was ringing the doorbell. I got confused since Jisoo said that she won't be back until tomorrow morning. So I went to the door and opened it.

And then, another shocking face of mine was made


It's Lisa. It's really Lisa. But wait, is she drunk? What is she doing here?

"Heeeeeyyyy... Jisooooooo!!!!"

"Hey, Lisa... wait"

Lisa rushed inside the condominium and fell but luckily I held her right on time. I accompanied her at the guestroom and let her lay at the bed.

I guess she's really having a hard time right now. Seeing her like this makes my heart felt heavy.

She is now peacefully closing her eyes, and that was the very best moment that I had. Then suddenly, she opened her eyes. Her eyes stared at mine, and we stared at each other for God knows how long.

"You need to sleep" I said to her and she smiled at me

"I don't want to"

Maybe she said it because she's just drunk so I did not mind it. I smiled and held her hand and she closed her eyes again. Can someone pinch me? Am I dreaming? If yes, I don't wanna wake up. I let go of her hand and I gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Earlier, it was the best day of my life. And right now, it is the best night." I said to myself

And that's when I realized, I really did fell for her.

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