Chapter 26

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It was five days before my last day internship. I finally got to finish my story. I promised to let Jennie read it so I gave it to her.

The next day, I never saw her. I asked Jisoo and Chaeyoung if where she was but they didn't even know.

And so, my last day came and I still haven't seen her. I was getting worried that maybe she got angry at me. But, did I do something wrong? I can't remember anything.

"Lisa!" I heard Jisoo calling me


"Today's your last day? Damn! I would really miss you."

"Me too! I will miss you guys"

"Yah Lisa! Don't forget about us, okay? You must visit us when you have time." Chaeyoung added

"Of course! And I would definitely be here when you guys will have your debut."

"Yaaaay! You promise?"

"Yeah! Promise"  and the three of us hugged. 

And then, one of the staff went to us.

"Lisa? CEO Yang is looking for you"

"Oh. Okay."

I arrived at his office and I entered.

"Good morning Mr. Yang"

"Lisa, I have something to tell you. Please take a seat."

I was feeling nervous. This was the very first time that YGENT's CEO called me.

"Today's your last day. Am I right?"

"Yes sir. Is there any problem?"

"Well... I have something to offer to you."


I heard someone entered the room.


She looked at me and she smiled. Wait, she was holding something...... No way! Is that my.....

"Good Morning sajangnim!" she greeted and Mr. Yang nodded at her

"Well, as I was saying, Jennie told me about the story that you wrote and I've read it. Although there are some corrections needed to be done, but it can still be revised. And...I was really impressed. She also told me about your dream on becoming a writer."

I was really shocked on what Mr. Yang said. I looked at Jennie and she was trying to avoid looking at me.

Seriously, Kim Jennie???

"So, I am offering you to stay here and publish your works under my company."


I looked at her again and she was smiling at me. I smiled back as I try to hold back my tears.

So is this why she never showed up these past few days?! 

Damn, she is really something!

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