Chapter 42

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Months passed by and our YGENT Family Concert is already happening tomorrow. Damn, that was so fast! When Jennie and I arrived back, we went back to our usual routines as professional artists. No clinging and no showing of affection in public.

The four of us are having our last rehearsal at the venue. Other artists already went back to our company since CEO Yang will gonna have his few words to all of us for tomorrow's event.

"That's it girls! Good work for today"

"Thank you PD-nim" we all said

"Alright! Time for you to go back to the company. CEO Yang is waiting for you guys." he said and we nodded.

We all went back to the company. Other artists were already at the auditorium and CEO Yang was already standing at the front.

"So it looks like all of my artists are already here." he said

"Alright. So tomorrow is gonna be a big day for all of us. We're going to have our first ever Family Concert. I want everyone to fix everything needed for tomorrow's performances and take a rest early. And also, enjoy tomorrow's concert. Got it?"

"Yes sajangnim!" we all replied

"Alright. See you all tomorrow." and we all left the auditorium

"Hey! I'm getting nervous for tomorrow." said Chaeyoung

"Yay! We're gonna hear Rosé singing tomorrow!" I teased

"Whatever Lisa!" Chaeyoung said and we laughed

"I'm super excited!" she added

"Me too! I'm excited! But I'm also nervous because we're having the Superior Couple to perform with us tomorrow." said Jisoo

"Yaaaahhh! What Superior Couple are you talking about?" my girlfriend asked and we laughed

"Aigoo! I still can't believe that Lisa can rap. She's good!" said Chaeyoung

"Of course she is!" my proud girlfriend answered which made me smirked

"Wow. Lisa's loving it. I'm outta here. I can't deal it with this two." said Jisoo

"Hey Unnie! Wait! Don't leave me here! See you at your condo guys!" said Chaeyoung and they both left us behind.


"So what?"

"What are we gonna do, babe?" I asked smirking

"Hmm. Let's rehearse our raps for the last time."

"Ohh... rehearse..."

"And what were you thinking?!" she asked raising her eyebrow

"N-nothing! Oh Yes! Rehearse! Let's do it! C'mon babe! Let's not waste our time!"

We both rehearsed our raps for the last time and we both went home after that. When we arrived, Jisoo and Chaeyoung are having their dinner. Good thing that they left something for us.

"Should we rehearse for the last time?" Chaeyoung asked

"Well, Jennie and I rehearsed our raps already before going home."

"Ohh.. Rehearse? Really?" teased Jisoo

"Yaaaaahhhh! You wanna sleep outside?!"

"Okay, I'll shut up! Yah Lisa! Your girl is really getting pissed so fast. Can't you do anything about that?"

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