Bonus Chapter

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"What happened to the four of you?"


Two months before YGENT Family Concert, CEO Yang gave us a vacation leave for 3 days. The four of us decided to travel to the Philippines since we heard that there are a lot of fans who love and support Jenlisa.

The four of us arrived and there were really a lot of fans welcomed us. There were also a lot of banner. Most probably, it was all "Jenlisa pa din mga ulol". If that one was in a bible, it could already be a verse, I guess.

Also, the one that caught me and Chaeng's attention was also some banners from the fans... 

"Chaesoo rin kami mga ulol!" 

What the heck is that?


The four of us enjoyed our vacation. Unlike in Korea, fans from the Philippines were so persistent. They all followed us where we go. It was so tiring but we really appreciate all their love and support for the four of us.

We spent our two days on travelling on different places in the Philippines since they had a lot of island. It was really fun. And everywhere we go, they are always fans who waited and screamed their love on us. We really appreciated it a lot.

It was almost sunset and it was our day in the Philippines. CEO Yang would have a meeting on us tomorrow as soon as we arrive back. But instead, he decided to call us like he did the last time so that we could rest when we go back tomorrow.

The four of us are sitting at the couch. We were at the hotel. We are at the front of a huge television and Lisa was trying to connect to the internet. We don;t know why but it took so long to load. Is the internet really that slow here?

"What should we do guys?" I asked them

"Well, I heard that there's a website called Wattypad and there are a lot of Filipino fans who made a story about these two." said Jisoo unnie.

"Ohh? Really?" said the two couple beside us

"So, what do you think guys? Should we go check the stories out?"


"Are we really gonna check those stories out?! It has Mature label on it!" I complained

"Well, of course! This would be fun! Especially that we are using this wide flat screen television on reading! Hoho! I can't wait!" said Jisoo

"Guys? Are you sure that we're going to read ALL of these stories in just one night?" asked Chaeyoung

"Well, YES! We're all gonna stay up all night reading Jenlisa fanmade stories!" said Jisoo

"I'm honestly not ready for this, Jisoo unnie..."

"Just take the your bible out and place it beside you."

"Yaaaaaahhhh! I'm serious unnie!"

"Hey you two! Are you really gonna read a fanmade stories of me and Lisa having sex with each other?" said my girlfriend and the three of us choked 

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