Chapter 05

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"WHAT? REALLY? Lisa shouted at you?"

Jisoo and I are currently at the cafe since it is my day-off. I told her everything that happened at that night. But the good thing is that when I woke up the next day, I was feeling okay. But still, I am still embarrassed of what happened. Who could have imagined that you, as a very bIg fan, would spill a drink at your idol. That was the scariest nightmare I've ever had. And to which I also hoped that it was a nightmare. But unfortunately, it wasn't.

"I really am a fool Jisoo! I know she wasn't on the mood and yet I did it. She was about to say something so my concentration got into her and that's how I spilled at her. But honestly, I never did expect her to shout at me, and maybe that's why I'm disappointed." I explained

"That Lisa! I will scold her for what she did to you!"

"No! Don't. In fact I am not angry at her. I am just disappointed. But don't worry, I am still a fan of her despite of what happened"

"Hoho, whipped!" Jisoo said while smirking

"Yaaahhh! I'm not. And also, thanks to Taeyang because he told me that Lisa is getting pissed off nowadays because of those people that are bugging her, it's the paparazzi I guess?"

"Well, good thing that you understand despite of what she did to you. You are really a good person Jennie-ya! That's what I love about youuu-!"

"Hey, hey! No hugging!" I said to her and we both laughed

"So, tomorrow is still your day-off, right?" she asked

"Yeah. But only here. I've got work at the bar tomorrow night. Tomorrow is your flight right? How many days will you stay there?"

"Only for 3 days. Why? Would you miss me so much? Ohh my bestfriend is so swee-"

"Yah! Stop it!" and we laughed again.

Jisoo is going to Japan with her father since they have some business to attend. Well, yeah. I'm going to miss her since she and Taehyung are my only bestfriends.

The next morning, I went back to the cafe even though its my day-off. I went there to chill and also, Taehyung was there so I won't be bored compared to when I am at my apartment, alone.

"So how's my beautiful friend? You cry no more?" he said while smirking at me

"What? How did...???"

Oh no, not again...

"Haha! I guess you look fine so you did not cry last night. I'm so glad, my dear friend"

"Shut up. Tae! And how much did you heard from your cousin?"

"Well, almost everything, I guess?"

Okay. Damn you again, Jisoo!

We stopped talking as we heard someone entered the cafe. Taehyung left me inside and went to the costumer. It took a while for him to come back. And when he returned, he suddenly grabbed me and he let me wore a glasses, a mask, and a cap. He also handed me his apron.

"I'm sorry Jen but I have something to do. Please serve the costumer outside. I'll be right back."

"Wow. Nice Taehyung! It is my day-off and you let me work?" I complained

"Sorry. But only for that costumer. Please? And don't worry, that costumer is alone. Thanks Jen!"

And suddenly he left me.

I went outside to serve the costumer's order. And...

Someone was sitting while talking to the phone, it was Lisa.

Damn! I felt my hands shaking. I was about to go back and... Damn you, Taehyung! He really did this on purpose! That's why he even let me wore a mask and a glasses so that Lisa won't recognize me. But I am still shaking.

I took a deep breath and went towards her. Damn, my heart is beating so fast.

"Yaaaahhh! It really wasn't my intention to do it! You know, because something happened ealier at that time and that's why I wasn't on the mood." she said

Oh, so she's still talking with someone on her phone. But wait, something happened that's why she's not on the mood? Is she talking about what I did and it made her in a bad mood? Damn it Jennie! Oh, I shouldn't be eavesdropping.

"Aishh. But please tell my Duke not to get angry at me, okay?

I froze as I heard that name again. So I turn around and leave.

"Hold on a sec Choo-ee, Hey miss wait..." she said as she suddenly grabbed my hand

Lisa... grabbed my hand. She is holding my hand right now. I- I cannot think straight. My heart can't take it anymore.

"I'm sorry but I wanted to ask something...." she said while looking at me.

I was nervous because maybe she will notice me but thankfully, I was wearing a mask and a glasses. So I thinks she doesn't recognize me.

"Uhmmm. Oh! I'm sorry, nevermind! You can go." she added as she lets go of my hand.

I bowed at her and went back. I thought I was going to die at that moment. Damn, her hands. I can still feel it.

"So, how was it?" someone said as I entered the manager's office.

"Damn you Taehyung!!!" I shouted and he just laughed at me.

"Why damn me? You should thank me though! You even got a chance to... hold her haaanndd..."


Damn it!

"Hey! You should think about it. Okay?"

"I'll think about it. Thanks Jisoo!"

Jisoo called me and talked about something. Taehyung lended me his extra phone so Jisoo can call me. She told me that SOKOR will be having their fanmeeting next week and she wants me to attend it. I refused at her so many times but she insisted since she already got me reserved for it. Just... wow! I had no choice so I ended up accepting it. She also told me to bring something that I will give to Lisa so that she would know my name. Since that was what she promised me some time ago.

She suggested me to write a letter for Lisa. Well, I guess it's not a bad idea at all. So I've decided to start writing it now. And while I was writing it, I can't help myself but to smile.

I've finished it! Honestly, there are a lot of things that I wanted to say on this letter, but I've decided to make it a simple fan letter. And I hope she would be able to read this.


I don't know if you will be able to read this. But if you will, I just wanted you to know that I am really a big fan of yours. Seeing you dance makes me so happy and I hope that you will never stop. You are my inspiration in life. I am alone since I lost my family and yet I am staying strong and continuing to enjoy my life because of you. I'm sorry because this sounds so weird despite you not knowing me but I hope you wouldn't mind. I really do hope to get a chance to talk to you even just for a little seconds. And my only wish... is for you to know me, for you to know even just my name.. Even though I cannot be your friend or anything, just for you to know me, then that's enough.

Thank you so much Lisa. You may not know what you did to my life but I am very happy to know you. Please take care always. I am always cheering for you. Fighting!


Your Silent Secret Fan

PS: I've decided not to put my name here, because I hope we will meet each other, at the right time. :) 

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