Chapter 18

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Today is the booksigning day. I was done preparing and I went outside the condominium since the company car is already waiting for me. I went inside and my new manager drove me on the way to the venue.

"Manager oppa? How's Jen over there?" I asked him since he came from the company building.

"I saw her practicing. You guys aren't contacting each other?"

"Well, we both don't do it when we're at work."

"Wow. You're both being professionals, huh?"

"Yeah. That's what we've decided."

"And you're okay with that?"

"Hmmm. Yeah. Of course!"

"Really? I don't think one of you is okay with it."

"No, oppa. We both decided it. We both wanted to focus when we are working. And besides, we always have our time together every night since we live together at the same condominium. And there's nothing wrong about it."

"Whoa! Really? Do you guys even fight?"

"Fight? Like that really intense fight between lovers?" I asked which made him laugh

"Intense fight? Really Lisa? I mean, you both really don't fight? Seriously?!"

"Uhmm... Well, there are times that we both have misunderstandings with each other but we tried our very best not to fight about it. And when we do have a fight, we always find a way to solve it as quickly as possible. Jennie is always fighting me but it is just because she wants my attention and affection. And the thing is, I can deal with it so easily. Also, we haven't had a huge fight ever since."

"But then, how about jealousy? Not even once?"

"Well, Jealousy is natural between lovers. But jealousy never did became a reason of our fight. Not even once. Jennie always teases me about being flirty with others since I am so close with many people but we never did seriously fight because of it. And also, every night we both talked about everything. Like, what happened to us the whole day... you know, just everything. And we both even don't keep secrets from each other. And that's how we build our trust to each other.

"WHOA... Just whoa! No wonder why everyone loves your relationship. Do your fans know about this? I mean how your relationship works?"

"No. I think it's because what CEO Yang told us was right. We tell everyone that we're together but we should keep other things in private. It's really nice that you let everyone know that she's yours so that they would back off. And the same thing goes with her."

"And... knowing that you are together for only like, 2 years? And yet, your relationship is that strong? You are both really lucky to have each other. No one can be like that, you know."

"Ohhh, I think you aren't aware that Jennie and I are already best friends before, am I right? that time, we already knew everything about each other and we already built our love and trust for each other. And so, as time goes by, it just keeps getting stronger."

"Ohhhhhh... But all I can say is, Daebak! That's really amazing Lisa. You both really are."

"Thanks oppa, And you are very lucky. You know that?"

"Ehhhh? Why?"

"Because you are the only one who knew about this. Even Chu and Chaeng doesn't know."

"Really??? Well, I'm honoured. But don't worry, I'll keep this one, for real."

"Thanks oppa!"

After I told everything to my manager, we've arrived at the venue. Damn, there are a lot of people. The place is so full. I guess my book was really a success. I arrived and smiled back at them. I saw some banners. There were "JENLISA", "LINI" "JENLICE" "LINNIE"

But there was a certain banner that caught my attention. It was pretty long and I did not understand it. And yet, I tried to read it.

"JENLISA ...LANG.....TA-YO.....DA-PAT...M-NGA...U-LOL???"

Dude! What the heck does that even mean???

I went to the stage and greeted everyone. They all cheered so loud which made me smile so wide. After that, I took a seat and the booksigning is about to start. I saw Chaeng below the stage and I waved my hands at her. Imouthed her where Jisoo is and she said she went somewhere for a while and she will come back.

The fansigning has started. A lot of fans told me that they cried at the ending and they loved it. I was overwhelmed with their reactions towards my book. And finally, the last fan who went up to the stage caught my attention. It was a little cute girl. I was shocked. This little girl read my book? Like, seriously?

"Lisa-unnie." She said smiling

"Hey . How old are you?"

"I'm seven."

"Oh! Who are you with today?"

"Well, Actually I wanted my dad to come here with me since he is a big fan of yours."

"Oh! Is that so? Where is he?"

"My dad is in the hospital. He's sick. That's why I came here with an unnie down the stage."

I looked down the stage and I saw Jisoo. She was waving at me and she gave me a thumbs up.

"Ohh. That unnie brought you here?"

"Yes. But supposedly, a different unnie should've brought me here but she can't because she is busy today."

The little girl was about to continue but the staff was signalling me that we're running out of time.

"Baby girl? I'll sign your book first and you wait for me downstairs. Okay?" I told the girl and she nodded.

I signed her book and she went down the stairs. Jisoo and Chaeng went over her and they waited for me at the backstage. The booksigning ended successfully and I quickly went to them.

"Lisayaa!" Jisoo called me

"Unnie. Who is this kid?"

"Well... It's a long story. But first, you still need to talk to her, right?" She added

"Yeah. Right!" I answered

We looked for a quiet place and found a room with no one inside. We took a seat near us and we sat down. Jisoo and Chaeng decided to leave us alone and they went outside the room.

"Hey baby girl. You told me that another unnie was supposed to bring you here? Am I right?"

"Yes Unnie. She is very pretty and kind. She's also my friend"

I suddenly heard the door opened.

"Really? Then who is she?"

The little girl's face suddenly went excited and so happy. She stood up and went to the door.

"Pretty Unnie!!!" the girl shouted

I take a look at the back since the door was behind me. And I was surprised with what I saw. The girl was hugging someone at the door.


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