Chapter 27

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I woke up and I saw the sleeping face of my girlfriend. The very best thing that I love is when I wake up in the morning beside her. Lisa always wakes up first but today, I woke up first. I silently watched her sleeping while I was smiling like an idiot.

"So are you just gonna watch her sleep all day?"


Lisa woke up because of my scream and I pushed her off the bed.

"Ugghh...Heyyy... What's with the scream, babe? It's so early...." she asked as she tried to get up from the floor.


"Well, it's already freaking 10:30 in the morning and yet you two are still asleep. So, are you guys gonna starve us to death? Chaeng is complaining for a very long time already."

"Don't you guys ever heard of knocking??!!" I angrily asked

"Well, we did knock for a hundred times already but you guys still did not respond." Jisoo answere

"You both should've knocked a thousand times!"

"Whoa! Seriously?!"

"This is our place. I could let you both out if I wanted to"

"Yaaaahh! I'm just kidding, okay? We're sorry! It's just that Chaeng and I are already starving"

"Uhmm...We're really sorry guys. We're just not used to have other people here at our place." Lisa apologized

"Hey Lisa! Did you know that Jennie was silently staring at yo....."


"He-Hey! I was just kidding! Lisa..." said Jisoo

"Hey! I haven't even done anything wrong!" said Chaeyoung

I pushed them both out of the room and I shut the door. These two really... damn!

"Just..Just wait for us downstairs, okay?" My girlfriend shouted which made me glare at her


I was totally aware that my girlfriend is really pissed off right now.


"What?" she asked while she was still glaring at me

"Let's just forgive those two, alright? And besides, they will stay here just for a month."

"But still, a month is too long..."

"Well, we both don't have a choice about it."

"Tss. I know..."

(3 Days Ago)

"I need you two to come here at the office. That's what he said"

"All right. We'll be there Ms. Lee."

CEO Yang's secretary called me and she said that he wants Jennie and I to come to his office. Well, maybe it's because of what happened at the hospital which made a huge commotion. We've heard that several articles went out about us after that. It's been 2 years since CEO Yang called the two of us together. The last time was the day when we publicized our relationship. And so, I am getting worried because CEO Yang really hates it when his artists are being reported with these types of news or gossips.

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