Chapter 03

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It's been 2 weeks since I've met Jisoo and we both really did became good friends. The room that I slept when we met for the first time was her guestroom. And her condominium? It was amazing. As expected from the daughter of a CEO. After that day, I never went back to her condominium. Why? Because she insisted that I would stay there with her, which made me shocked so much at that time. Well, I know her intention was good but I don't want to depend on someone that's why I declined.

She also told me some of her stories in life, and mostly about her love for chicken tho.

"Yaaahhh! Jennie-ya!!!"

"Jisoo? What are you doing here?"

"Well, can't I visit my lovely friend at her work in the morning?"

"No, I think you're visiting your cousin because you need something, isn't it?"

"Wow! You really got me there Miss Jennie!"she laughed.

She sometimes visits me at the cafe where I work and not to mention, she and Taehyung are also cousins. Small world right?

"JISOOS! What the heck are you doing here?"

Taehyung's statement made me laughed so hard, I just can't....

"What the hell? Is that the proper way for you to welcome your gorgeous cousin?"

"Well, yes. And please go. I'm busy!

"Yaaahh! Taehyung! Just this once please???"

"Tss. Alright. But we'll talk later. We will have a family gathering later, remember?"

"Oh shoot! I almost forgot! I need to prepare! Jennie pretty, I should go now. See you later dear cousin!"

Taehyung and I waved goodbye as Jisoo walks out of the cafe. Well, for the past 2 weeks, I already got used to them. And it's really great having these two amazing person as my friends.

"Isn't it your day-off at the bar later?" Taehyung asked

"Actually it was, but your cousin said someone had an emergency so I need to work later. And don't worry, he already scheduled my day-off tomorrow."

"Oh. Okay! Take care of yourself, okay?"

"You don't need to remind me that, Tae! And thanks."  and I smiled.

It was already evening and I am already here at the bar.

But something is so unusual. Why are there so many people outside the bar?

"Jennie!" my manager called me

"Yes sir?"

"We have some SVIP guests tonight. You will be the one serving them at the SVIP room. Okay?"

"Oh. Yes sir. I got it"

SVIP room? Well maybe the guest are really a very big deal since the SVIP room in this bar is very expensive and we only allow this room for celebrities and famous personalities.

And so, I prepared myself since it will be my very first time to serve at the SVIP room. So maybe that's why there are a lot of people outside. But who might be this SVIP guests that really made a huge commotion outside our bar? It's so unusual.

I walked towards SVIP room to prepare the things that I need to prepare. My manager also said that one of the guests is a regular of the bar so I need to prepare well and because it is his birthday. It was also my first time entering the SVIP. And as I entered the room, my jaw dropped as I saw how amazing the room was.


My manager was walking towards me

"The guests will be here at around 10 minutes. They will just order drinks so you don't need to push yourself to prepare. Just serve at them nicely, okay? And before you go out, turn off the lights and turn on that switch since they want the room to be a little bit dim." my manager continued

"Okay sir" I replied

10 minutes has passed and the guests already arrived at the SVIP room. My manager went there to get their orders and I will be the one to serve it to them.

"Jen! The orders are ready. Please serve this to them"

I quickly prepared myself and went to get the order and walked myself towards the SVIP room.

I took a deep breath and entered the room.

And I was surprised with what I saw.

6 people were sitting right next to each other... 

It was Jong-in, Momo, Hoseok, Seulgi, Taeyang...



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