Chapter 11

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Last night, Jisoo texted me the address of the café where Jennie was working. And also, she told me that she badly needs to talk to me. I was confused why she wants to talk to me, I felt like I did something wrong. But then, I ignored it. And so, I've decided to go at the cafe since Jisoo told me that Jennie is in her day off today so I've got the chance to visit there without worrying that Jennie would be there. I just wanted to know where she works and how good are the people around her. Well,I'm not trying to be overprotective or anything but... Yeah. I'm not.

I was on my way to the café. And of course, I am in disguise. I arrived at the place, so this is where she is working. I carefully went outside the car and checked if there are many people. And I was lucky today because it looks like no one knew my schedule. And I think this is also because I used our manager's car so no one was able to follow me.

As I entered the café, Jisoo suddenly called me.


"YAAAAHHHH! What the heck have you done Lisa?!!!"

"Wait, what? What are you talking about?"

"Ohhh! So you're trying to forget about it huh?"

I was totally confused by what Jisoo unnie meant to say. I sat down and removed my disguise since there are no other costumers at that time. I was pretty lucky. Someone went to me to take my order. It was Taehyung. He smiled at me and went back since he already knows what I wanted to order. Taehyung and I are also good friends since he and Jisoo are cousins.

"Hey unnie! Wait. What are you talking about?"

"Remember the person who served you guys at Taeyang's party?"

Of course! I never did forget about her. Well, I was about to search for her to apologize but I had no time. As If I could tell Jisoo about this

"Well. Yeah. I remember her. But I cannot remember her face since I wasn't looking at her that much and also, the room was kind of dim." I answered

" Oh! And yeah, how can I even forget the person who spilled at me? I need to see her again." I added jokingly

"Well, that person... was Jennie"

I froze after what I heard from Jisoo unnie. My jaw dropped and I was speechless. I don't know what to feel right now.

"Hey, Lisa? You still there?"

I wasn't able to answer Jisoo. I hit my head with my hand so hard and tried not to have a mental breakdown. I only came back to my senses when I saw someone approaching me.

"Unnie. I'm sorry. I'm still here"

"So, why the heck did you shout at her, Lisa?!" she asked angrily

The waitress arrived and placed my order at the table

"Yaaaahhh! It really wasn't my intention to do it! You know, because something happened earlier at that time and that's why I wasn't on the mood." I answered

Oh, yeah! Basically, it was Jisoo's fault. If only she had just updated me earlier, then I would have been in a good mood at the whole party. But the truth is...

No. It was not Jisoo's fault. It was my entire fault. No one is to blame but myself... I really am stupid.

"You are in big trouble, Lisa" she told me

"Aishh. But please tell my Deuk not to get angry at me, okay?" I requested her

Ohh! I almost forgot. I was planning to ask some staff around here about Jennie. Good thing I remembered!

"Hold on a sec Chu-ee, Hey miss wait..."

I grabbed the hand of Jennie's co-worker. I did not even realized that I held her hand but I had no choice since she was about to leave. I badly needed to ask her. But wait, why is she wearing a mask? She was all covered up.

"Uhmmm. Oh! I'm sorry, nevermind! You can go."

I let go of her hand. She doesn't look well. Maybe she is sick so I don't want to waste her time. That's why I wasn't able to continue what I was planning.

But, I don't know why...

When I held the girl's hand, I felt something really weird. My heart was...beating faster?

"Ohh! Unnie, you still there?"

Damn! I totally forgot that Jisoo was still on the line.

"What now, Lisa?"

"Unnie, I don't even understand why everything is so complicated towards me and her. I can't even explain it. I mean, you know me right? I am not the type of person who gets angry that easily and because someone just spilled on me."

"That was exactly what I was thinking. You never get angry so easily, but I can't even imagine why Jennie? Of all people that you can get angry at..."

"You are right unnie. And honestly, I was trying to find her since I really wanted to apologize. Actually, when she left the room, I was about to chase her but Taeyang stopped me. I guess it was because Taeyang was concern about what happened and he wants us first to calm down before solving the problem."

"Well, as expected of Taeyang" Jisoo replied

And suddenly, I remembered something...

"Oh wait! Unnie! Can I ask you a favor?"

"What is it now, Lisa?"

"SOKOR will be having a fanmeeting next week..."


"Oh, come on. You know what I mean unnie!"

"You want her to attend.. Am I right?"


"Alright. I'll try to convince her. But please, don't do anything stupid from now on, got it?"

"YAAAAYYY! Thanks a lot unnie! I owe you a lot!"

The fanmeeting will be a great chance for us to talk to each other. We will both be seeing each other upclose. Yes... I will never miss this chance.

I really do hope she will come.

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