Chapter 21

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I can't believe it. The guy who made me wrote my first book was right in front of me. And not to mention, he's Minyoung's dad. What a coincidence.

"Dad? You know Lisa-unnie? I thought you're just a fan?" Minyoung asked which made his father laugh

"Well, Of course, I am a fan. You know it right?"

"Oh yes! You even bought all of her books and you read it to me every night."

Jungkook smiled at her daughter and hugged her. I was looking at my girlfriend who is currently very quiet right now. I was getting worried.

"Minyoungie! Pretty Unnie wants to buy something. Wanna go with me?" she suggested

"Yes! Dad? Can I go with Jennie unnie?"

"Okay. But be careful, okay? Please take care of her, Miss Jennie"

Jennie just let out a smile but I can see the uneasiness on her eyes. They both left the room and I just let out a heavy sigh.

The room became quiet. But Jungkook initiated the conversation first.

"It's really been a long time, isn't it?"

"Yeah. It is."

"Well... thanks for coming, Lisa. I've been dying to see you."

"You have? Why?"

"I really wanna talk to you..."


"Our past..."


Minyoung and I both went out. I saw some vacant seats near the room so I sat down then Minyoung followed me. The both of us became quiet for a few minutes

"Unnie? "

"What is it, Minyoungie?"

"I thought you wanna buy something?"

"Oh! Well, I guess I changed my mind. You want something? I'll buy it for you."

" No unnie. I'm okay. But why did we left?"

"Well, Honestly I want your dad and your Lisa unnie to talk privately."

"And... Is it okay with you?"

"Well of course. I know they both want to talk to each other."

"You're not jealous?"

"N-No. I'm not"

"You're lying unnie." She said which made me glare at her in a joke way

I was about to answer back when I saw the door opened at Jungkook's room and Lisa went out. She saw us and she went towards us.

"Minyoungie. I will bring Jennie unnie inside. You wait for us here. Okay?"

"Why unnie? Is there any problem?"

"Well... just wait for us here. Okay?"

"Okay unnie."

She held my hand and we both went inside. Jungkook was looking at us and he let out a smile.

"So... Why am I here?" I asked

"And why did you even leave?"

"I thought you two wanted to talk... or should I say ... you two needed to talk."

"But we can still talk about it with you around here." she answered

"I think it's better if I'm not here. Maybe Jungkook wants to say something to you privately."

"Oh? Is that so? Hey! Is it okay if she's here, right?" she asked him

"Well, of course! And besides, I already told her what I needed to say." he answered

"Oh. Okay fine!" I said

The room went silent and Jungkook started to laugh.

"Yaaahhh! Lalisa! Say something. It's getting awkward!" he said laughing

"So... How come that you never knew his name?" she asked me

"Well... I never got the chance to ask. And Ohh! That's why you felt so tense the moment we met. Is that right?" I asked

"Yeah. I really thought you never knew me yet you still saw how tense I am. How shameful."

"Well, maybe if I did knew his name, Lisa wouldn't be here today..."

"Yaaaaaahh! Kim Jennie!"

I laughed at her reaction. I also saw Jungkook smiling at us.

"I'm just kidding!" I said and I took her in my arms.

"Stop it, you two! You're letting me miss my wife."

"Ohh! Sorry 'bout that!" my girlfriend said and she gave me a quick kiss

"Yaaaaaaaahhhh! What the hell, Manoban?!!!" I complained as I slapped her shoulder many times

"You two are crazy. Stop it! Get a room!" Jungkook added while laughing

"Alright, alright. So, are we cool now?" Lisa asked him

"Yeah. Now I felt relieved" he answered

"You need to recover, alright? Minyoung really needs you."

"Yeah. I'm doing my very best. She's the only one I have and I don't want her to suffer."

Lisa's next statement made me and Jungkook shocked and our mouths went agape...

"What a great dad. Maybe I should learn from you..."

Seriously Manoban?!!!

But what happened between them? Did they talked?

Now, I'm getting curious...

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