Chapter 07

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I woke up and saw Lisa sleeping peacefully at the bed. I fell asleep at the chair where Jisoo sat when we first met each other. I decided to leave Jisoo's condominium since I don't want some issues to be thrown at Lisa. I texted Jisoo that I will be going home and that Lisa was at the guestroom. I took a glance at her for the last time and I went home.

As I was on my way home, Jisoo replied to my text.

"Hey! Why did you leave early? And... WHY THE HECK IS LISA AT THE CONDOMINIUM???"

I laughed as I read her message.

"I'm sorry but I need to leave early. And please don't curse at her when she wakes up later, okay?"

"Wow, Jennie. You did not even answered my question...."

"Haha! Whatever Jisoo."

"Fine! Okay. So, the usual place tomorrow?"

"Sure! See you!"

I'm on my way to the cafe since Jisoo wants us to meet. I guess she wants to ask me about what happened. Right before I entered the cafe, I already saw her with Taehyung as they both waved their hands at me.

"Hey! You're late!" Taehyung said

"I'm sorry. I... just finished something" I answered

"Oh well, it's okay. Don't mind him." Jisoo said and we all laughed

"Okay, let's get to the point!" said Taehyung

"So, Jennie. Mind telling us about what happened yesterday?" Jisoo said as both of them stared intensely at me.

"Nothing happened?" I answered

"i don't believe you. You're blushing." Taehyung added which made me smile

"Oh no! Cousin, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Jisoo said and they both looked at each other

"Hey wait it's not what you think!" I said to them

"Okay, enough teasing. Tell us what happened. I mean, how on earth did Lisa ended up in the condominium?" Jisoo asked

"Well, I was about sleep and someone rang the doorbell. I really thought that it was Jisoo but she never texted me, so I checked who was outside. And I was surprised to see her."


"And, that's it."

"That's it? And do you think we will believe that?" Jisoo said

"Well, I think you should. Because that's the truth. I lay her at the bed and she slept." I answered

"And you did not do anything???" Taehyung asked and Jisoo laughed so hard

Damn these two!

"I did not! And by the way, how was Lisa when she woke up?" I asked Jisoo.

"Oh. Uhmm.. Well... She was shocked. Yeah! She was totally shocked when she realized that she was at the condominium. And she also told me that she did not remember anything." Jisoo answered

"And that's why I am asking you this, Jennie. Did you do something to her?" they both smirked at me

"I did NOT! I'm innocent" I said and we laughed

I decided not to tell them about what happened after I lay Lisa on the bed. I just want it to be my treasured memory.

"Okay, you guys want something?" I asked them.

"The usual" they both answered

I stand up to go to the counter to order. But then, I suddenly I felt dizzy.

No, not again...

I fell on the ground. I felt Jisoo and Taehyung's hands on me. I tried to look at them but my eyes went shut.


"The usual"

Taehyung and I answered her. And when she stood up, she suddenly fell on the floor.


Taehyung and I stood up immediately and went to her. She was already unconscious. We hurried and brought her at our uncle's hospital.

"Excuse me? Is uncle here?" Taehyung asked one of the nurses.

"Yes sir. He is at his office"

"Okay thanks!" I answered and we went to our uncle's office

"Uncle?" I called

"Oh! Jisoo. Taehyung? Why are you here?"

"Well, our good friend fainted and we brought her here." Taehyung answered

"Alright. Let's go check her"

We went to the emergency room and went to Jennie.

"Uncle, she's here" Taehyung said

When our uncle saw her, he stayed quiet.

"Uhm... uncle? Is something wrong?" I asked

"So, Jennie was your friend, huh?"

Taehyung and I are both shocked by our uncle's statement.

"Uncle! How on earth did you know Jennie? And how is she? Is it because of overwork?"

My uncle just let out a sigh, and I am not liking what I saw.

"So I guess let's go back to my office first, and I will tell you." our uncle said and we nodded


We were about to leave when Jennie woke up and said my name

"Hey! How are you?" Taehyung asked her.

"I'm fine... Doc.. Doctor Kim???"

We were surprised when Jennie called our uncle.

"It's been a long time Jennie. How have you been?"

"I'm... still the same." she answered

"Well, I guess I should leave you here. And wait, let us move Jennie first at the private room"

"Oh no! I'm fine-"

"Jennie... you need to rest." our uncle insisted and Jennie nodded

Jennie was moved at the private room. Our uncle sponsored her expenses. I guess this is the reason why she resisted earlier since I know Jennie, she doesn't want to be in debt by someone.

"So I guess I will take my leave. You rest after this Jennie, okay?"

"Yes doctor, Thank you so much." she replied

"It's okay, since I owe them a lot. This is nothing" uncle said

Now, everything is getting confusing. And so, our uncle left the three of us at the room.

"So Jen, is there something you want to tell us?" I asked her.

I know where this is going. And I'm scared of it.

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