Chapter 38

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"I'll make my revenge as I let her fall in love with me"


Both of them become silent. Did I say something wrong?

"Hey guys?! Are you..."

"HAHAHA! Are you serious Jennie?! Is that what you're planning?!" said Jisoo

"Yeah! I thought you'll be doing your revenge on her like letting her sleep outside your apartment or you let her do all the household chores or anything that can make her suffer... but that's just..."

"You think so, Roseanne? Jennie's plan is hilarious! HAHA!"

"Hey! I'm not done yet!" I added

"Okay, Alright! We'll listen to you. But why is that?" asked Jisoo

"Well, just like what I said, I still like her. Right? So if I made her fall for me, then it will be perfect. But I can also choose to let her fall for me and when she does, I'll reject her like what she did to me."

"Ohh! So it's like you can choose between the two choices. That when she falls for you, it's either you'll accept her or reject her. Is that it?" Jisoo asked

"So you mean when Lisa falls in love with her, Jennie gets to choose her decision. Is that right?"

"Well yeah. If she wants Lisa so bad, then she can accept her. But if she still wants revenge, she can reject her."

"So it's a win-win situation for Jennie. Am I right?"

"Bingo! You got it, you two." I answered

"Whoaaa. Pretty clever, huh?"

"Are you sure that's gonna work? Maybe it's you who'll be falling for her even more." teased Jisoo

"Well, I will never gonna let that happen. I'll make her fall for me. As simple as that."

"Wow. Jennie's confidence is on a different level..."

"We'll see about that! Haha! Goodluck with your plans Jennie."

"You two better not do something that will ruin it or else..."

"Yow! Chill! We're not! Besides, we're willing to help you, remember?"

"You both better be!" I said

"Ohh! Right! Before we forgot, we'll be heading there on Wednesday"

"Ohh really?! Why?!"

"Well, Jisoo got some free time and I will let her come with me. We'll hang out after your work."

"Sounds great! See you on Wednesday, dorks!"

"Have a fun night with Lisa, Jennie!"

"Yaaaahhh Jisoo!" I said which made them laugh and we ended the call.

"So, you're leaving today?" I asked her as I saw her packing up her things.

"Yeah. I'll be back Friday night."


"Well, thanks for accepting my favor" she said and I nodded

She went to the door and she waved her hands goodbye at me. I let out a smiled and I said something which made her laugh before she went out. And when she closed the door, I was finally able to breathe normally...

Oh God...

Wednesday came and I was currently entering our company. My secretary always fetches me at the entrance.

"Good Morning Ms. Jennie"

"Good Morning. Yeri. Any updates?"

"Uhmm. There's nothing much Ms. Jennie."

"Alright. I'll just call you when I need you."

"Yes Ms. Jennie" and I went to my office

"Yeong-an!" someone said which made me surprised.

"WHAT THE HECK, JISOO!" I exclaimed

"Haha! Yo!"

"How the heck did you enter here, and not to mention in my office?!"

"Well, I'm Jisoo. I'm great."

"Whatever. But what is that behind you?" I asked

"Ohh! Chocolates and Flowers..."

"Ehhh?!" I said as I went to my table and picked up the note beside the flowers.

To: Jennie,

I don't wanna throw some cheesy pick-up lines so I'll go straight to the point. Flowers and Chocolates just for you. And yes, I like you so much.

From: Your CB

"Huh?! CB? I don't know any CB!"

"Well, I don't know with you..."

"Seriously Jisoo, Stop fooling around!"

"Hey I'm not! I swear!."

"If you did this, you better hide yourself because I'm gonna kill you!"

"Ohh Jen! Last time you said it to Roseanne and now you're saying it to me? Are you really planning on murdering us and becoming a serial killer?"

"If you two won't stop, I'll really....."

"Yaaaahh! Enough! Aiishh. I'm just messing with you."

"Bitch, I know that." And we laughed

"Oh and hey! Roseanne was here with me a while ago and she ate one of the chocolates there."

"What?! But where is she now?"

"Her dad called and she left. She said she'll be expecting us at her bar on Friday."

"Oh okay. You should probably get going cause I'm gonna start working."

"Alright. See you Jennie!"

"Sure. See you."

This is the very first time that I received a surprise gift from someone. And not to mention, a note? How did this person knew that I love this kind of chocolates and flowers?

And lastly... 

Who the heck is this CB?

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